You Deserve To Be Happy

You deserve to be happy. Even though you are aware that all your dreams will not come true, you can be happy with what you have, have peace and be willing to accept the many good things that come your way.
You deserve to be happy

Is it selfish to say out loud that you deserve to be happy? Of course not. It is something everyone deserves – just as we all have the right to be loved, respected and valued.

Nothing is more important than focusing on living a happy life. But you must have one thing clear in your mind: There is no point in waiting for someone else to “make you happy.

To be happy, you need to focus on yourself.

To be happy, you must learn what you want and do not want to accept in your life

In fact, to be happy, you do not really need that much. Anyone who believes that happiness comes from having a long list of zeros in their bank account or having very many friends on their contact list is deeply misled.

All you need is a life filled with dignity and independence, where you can surround yourself with what is truly important to you.

Sometimes happiness can be an act of humility or a minimalist concept. This means that the most important thing is to know what you want, and that it is something you can identify and achieve.

  • For example, you can try to have an everyday life where you do the things you like and are proud of. It is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself.
  • Everything else will just be “accessories”, aspects or things that can bring both benefit and complications to your life.
  • Knowing what you really want out of life is not always easy. It first requires that you have some life experiences that can help you set certain expectations.
  • It is important to learn that there are certain people who have personalities that do not fit with yours, if you are introverted for example, and then you should prioritize having a few close friends instead of having many, and that is something that you understand with time.

You deserve to be valued and respected


This is an important rule that you must never forget: you already know what you deserve, and to put yourself first and to take care of your self-esteem, know that you also deserve respect from others.

It may sound obvious, but if you do not first love yourself, it is easy to be fooled or manipulated by the desires of others, with motivations that are not your own, all the way to the point where you put your own happiness aside. .

This is not worth it. Defend what is yours, defend your character, your place, and your personal values. In this life, everyone deserves to be respected and also valued.

  • Parents must recognize and respect their children so that they grow up in a happy and emotionally secure way. This helps them develop good self-esteem that they can cultivate from day to day.
  • To be happy, you must also receive respect and love from your partners. In addition to taking care of yourself, there must be reciprocity in your relationships in order for you to be able to keep them happy and stable.
  • No one is selfish when they say that they must be respected. You deserve respect from family, friends, colleagues, and of course your girlfriend.

And besides, because you have learned to respect yourself, you are also able to show respect for the other people in your life because you know how you want to be treated yourself.

Being happy is your lifelong goal


In this life you may want a bigger house, an attractive partner who is considerate and humble, and a good job. But more than any of these things, you should always be happy with what life brings you.

You will not be able to fulfill all your dreams, but happiness is not one thing: it is made of moments, people, and experiences you have.

Just try to live with open eyes and heart. Enjoy here and now, and try to live in the best possible way.

  • It does not matter if you are single or if you do not have lots of friends. Just be kind to yourself. Learn to count those who make you truly happy on one hand.
  • Sometimes life is not easy and it throws obstacles in the way. This is why your attitude is another important aspect you need to take care of every day.
  • Your attitude is one of the most critical things you have in yourself. It allows you to face life with courage and optimism.
  • A positive attitude allows you to see reality with the knowledge that yes, there are bad times. But there are also many good ones, so be happy in your everyday life. You know that if you get stuck in bitterness, then you will only remain trapped in unhappiness.

You must learn to look ahead to the horizon with hope, put yourself first, and learn to love everything that surrounds you with simplicity and humility.

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