What Acne Can Reveal About Your Health

Many times acne occurs due to lack of adequate skin care or excess oil on the skin. However, these pimples can also reveal that something else is happening in our body.
What Acne Can Reveal About Your Health

Although acne has various causes and is related to hormonal changes, this problem has also been considered as a symptom of various internal health problems. Many times acne occurs due to lack of adequate skin care or excess oil on the skin. However , these pimples can also reveal that something else is happening in our body. Below you can discover what acne can reveal about your health!

To find out what acne can reveal about your health, it is very important to be aware of in which area of ​​our face it occurs and under what conditions. When we talk about conditions, we refer to hormonal changes, for example during menstruation or when one is under stress.

Want to know what acne can reveal about your health?

Acne on the chin, edge of the jaw or neck


Acne on the chin, jaw or neck may indicate that you are under or will soon have your period. What happens is that during the hormonal cycle of menstruation, the glands produce more oil, and this can clog the pores.

The solution? The best way to treat this is to use an anti-acne treatment on the affected areas, preferably before the start of menstruation. If the problem becomes chronic, it is recommended that you consult a dermatologist so that he or she will be able to recommend an appropriate treatment.

Blackheads or pimples on the hairline

If you notice that this is a type of acne that affects you, it is possible that you have applied hair products too close to the skin or that you have touched the area often with dirty hands. This is because these types of products contain ingredients that can clog pores and thus produce pimples and bumps.

The solution? Reduce the use of this type of product and be more careful the next time you want to use them and avoid direct contact with the skin.

Blackheads or pimples on the cheeks


In most cases, these are caused by some form of bacteria or dirt. These bacteria or contaminants can come from your hands or your phone. The solution? Wash your hands often or use some form of antibacterial cream to keep them well cleaned.

It is also important to clean the phone often, because believe it or not, studies have shown that it can have more microorganisms than a public toilet.

Blackheads or pimples around the mouth

You can eat a lot of fatty or acidic foods. This type of acne occurs because the remnants of acidic foods cause irritation, such as lemon or vinegar-based dressings. It is also produced from very fatty foods such as potato chips, french fries, cakes or burgers. This type of food clogs the pores and thus creates the problem of acne.

The solution? If possible, remove any leftover food around your mouth after eating. For this we recommend using a damp cloth.

What Acne Can Reveal About Your Health: Acne in the “T-Zone”

Fight acne

Pimples and blackheads that occur in the “T zone” (which includes the forehead and nose) can be a result of the body’s fight against stress. When we are under stress or feel a lot of pressure, our body releases adrenaline to increase the production of oil, which in turn leads to the formation of bumps, pimples and blackheads.

Pimples on the back or chest

In this case, acne does not reflect anything that involves our internal health, but it may indicate that we are wearing an unsuitable shirt or bra. According to some experts, acne on the back or chest can be produced by using cotton fabric that absorbs sweat and creates a perfect environment for bacterial growth.

The solution? Avoid wearing very tight shirts and blouses, especially if they are made of cotton. Also avoid wearing a tight-fitting bra. The recommendation is to use moisture-transporting substances such as spandex (lycra) or microfiber.

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