Treatment Of Scars: Natural Methods

Aloe vera hydrates and creates flexibility, while rosehip oil renews the skin and is especially good for healing damaged skin.
Treatment of scars: natural methods

Scar treatment must be done as soon as possible. Not only for antiseptic reasons, but also to allow the skin to heal properly. We can help the process of eating foods rich in minerals and vitamins. We can also make a natural ointment, which we can apply daily and which will make the scars disappear.

Vitamin A for the treatment of scars

Vitamin A, or beta-carotene, helps keep skin healthy and promotes healing. We can eat foods rich in vitamin A. Most of these foods have an orange color.

  • Carrots
  • Pumpkin
  • The sweet potato
  • Spinach
  • Broccoli
  • Apricot
  • Melons

Vitamin C.

Vitamin C is a source of energy, which works with the skin in four ways: antioxidants, rejuvenating, moisturizing and revitalizing. All this makes this vitamin very important in the healing process. It promotes the production of new skin cells and ensures that the skin gets rid of the old cells.

Foods high in vitamin C:

  • Citrus fruits
  • Cherry
  • Red fruits
  • Paprika
  • Parsley
  • Kiwi
  • Broccoli

You should also take vitamin C as a dietary supplement. Choose a supplement that is produced naturally, then it is easier for the body to absorb the vitamin.

Silicon for the treatment of scars

This is one of the body’s most important aids for the body’s cells to function properly. This is the first mineral we think of when we think of skin, hair and nails. Many creams contain silicon because it has been proven to make the skin more elastic.

Foods high in silicon:

  • Avocado
  • Alfalfa
  • Whole grain rice
  • Kjerringrokk
  • Onion
  • Whole grain oats
  • Cucumber
  • Purre
  • Better
  • East

Silicon can also be taken as a liquid supplement. This is an essential oil, which means that it is vital for human health. It is also an authentic cosmetic. We recommend that you use the organic variant, so that it is absorbed more easily into the body.

Natural ointment

You can make your own ointment, which heals and renews the skin:

  • Aloe vera : If you have this plant at home, you can break off a leaf and use the gel you find on the inside. If not, you can buy natural aloe vera jelly in the store.
  • Rosehip oil
  • Essential oil of lavender
  • Vitamin E (sold in capsule form at health food and pharmacies)

In a glass bowl, mix equal parts with aloe vera and rosehip oil (about 50 ml of each). Add 10 drops of essential lavender oil and 10 drops of vitamin E. It has a preservative effect. Mix well with a wooden spoon. You can store the mixture in the refrigerator. Use the ointment twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening.

Aloe vera

Painful scars

If the scars are painful, we recommend that you apply St. John’s wort oil. This can also be made at home. You can find the flower outdoors and put it in a little olive oil. Leave it for thirty days. The oil will have a pinkish color. Apply this for the treatment of scars, two or three times. This oil is also good for treating burns.

You can also try the homeopathic treatment method called St. John’s wort 6CH. You put three small balls under the tongue. You do this three times a day between meals and after you have consumed strong flavors such as coffee, mint drops, etc.

Difficult scars

If healing and / or renewal is difficult, you can use a cream that contains sunflower . You can find this in health food stores and pharmacies. You can also use the homeopathic treatment, Arnica 6CH. Follow the same guidelines given above.


Honey and propolis, two ancient methods of treatment

The bees have given us two excellent, natural and affordable solutions to skin problems.

Honey is a food with many properties, including it is extremely moisturizing, contains antioxidants and has an antibiotic effect. It is often used in skin masks and can also be used to treat scars. Apply organic honey to the scar three times a day. Leave it for ten minutes.

Propolis was used in ancient Egypt because it had antiseptic and healing properties. It was used to cure various skin diseases. Aristotle said that this was “a treatment of skin infections and wounds”. If you lubricate your scar daily with this, and take it as a supplement, you will experience that the skin is quickly renewed and that your scars are no longer so visible.

You can buy propolis cream in the health food store. Such creams work much better and do not irritate as the usual chemical creams often do.

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