The Best Tips For Eating Out In A Healthy Way

Eating out in a healthy way is possible if you follow some tips, such as not going very hungry, or by ordering dishes you can share with someone. Learn more in this article!
The best tips for eating out in a healthy way

Do you want to control your weight or still maintain a healthy diet while eating out? Although it may seem impossible, the recommendations we will share in this article will teach you to eat out in a healthy way.

Eating out in a healthy way

Eating out in a healthy way can seem impossible. After all, restaurants usually offer unhealthy, high-calorie options. Therefore, studies show that eating out is linked to obesity and overweight.

A study by Cambridge showed that more than 90% of the main courses sold in restaurants are full of calories and are rich in sodium and fat, especially saturated fat. In addition , children’s menus have more fat and sugar than adult menus. It is therefore not advisable to order from the children’s menu, as these options tend to be less healthy than the rest of the menu.

Before eating out

It is very important for you to have control over your decisions even before you come to the restaurant. Here are some tips to consider:

  • Choose a restaurant in advance and make a reservation. If you know where to go in advance, you know what kind of food they serve. We also recommend making a reservation. This way you avoid waiting in case there is a waiting list. After all, when you wait, you can order a drink you could have avoided if you already had a reserved table.
  • Look at the menu in advance, if possible. Many restaurants post their menus on their websites. Check it at home so you know what to order before you get there.
  • Do not go out very hungry. If you come to the restaurant very hungry, you will eat bread and other starters that are in front of you, which you can avoid if you do not get there very hungry. Therefore , we recommend eating some fruit before leaving home.
Some friends have dinner at a restaurant.

Eating out: During your meal at the restaurant

Once you have used these tips before going to a restaurant, it will be much easier to eat out and still be healthy.

  • See what you can drink. The most recommended option is water. If you want to order other options, you can choose water with carbonated, or if you want something more tasty you can ask for it with a slice of lemon. You can also choose natural juices, low-alcohol beers or soft drinks. Still, you should know that soft drinks are not a very good option.
  • Check the bread you eat. Usually many restaurants serve bread baskets. If you do not want to eat bread, tell the waiter directly that they should not bring it. If you want a little, tell the waitress to bring just a little to each person.
  • Make sure what you order. First look at the vegetable dishes the restaurant serves. Remember that it is a very good idea to eat vegetables as a first course or a significant part of the meal. Once you have selected the vegetables, choose the protein you want to complete your dish with. It can be meat, fish, eggs or legumes. Avoid deep-fried dishes or dishes with sauces.
  • Choose healthy side dishes. For example, choose a baked potato or salad instead of french fries. Do not eat bread if your plate already has flour or carbohydrates.

Ask for sauce on the side

  • Ask for sauces on the side. Be sure to ask the waitress not to serve dressings, sauces or cheese on your food. This way you can try them without exaggerating.
  • Share dishes. When you look at the dishes on the tables around you to see the size, it helps you decide whether you want to order just for yourself or share. If the dishes are large, order to share. This way you can control the amount you eat. If there is food left, you do not have to eat everything just to finish it. Instead, ask to have it with you.
  • And dessert? If the restaurant serves fruit, you can ask for fruit. If not, natural juices, coffee or tea may be good choices. However, if you want something sweet, you can share a dessert with someone.
A pineapple yogurt dessert.

How to know if you have eaten too much?

  • When you are very thirsty several hours after eating.
  • If you have heavy digestion and are not hungry the rest of the day.
  • When you get sleepy after eating.

If this is the case then don’t be too upset with yourself. It happens to all of us once in a while! However, you should keep this in mind the next time you eat out. This experience gives you a better understanding of your boundaries.

Using these tips for eating out can ensure that you eat healthy and enjoy yourself at the same time. Thus , it is possible to eat healthy even when you are out!

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