Sciatica During Pregnancy: What Can You Do?

Sciatica is a common condition among pregnant women during the latter half of pregnancy. By taking the right precautions, one can control it so that it has only a minimal impact on daily life.
Sciatica during pregnancy: What can you do?

Do you suffer from sciatica during pregnancy?

Sciatica is a very intense pain that radiates along the back of the leg down to the heel due to inflammation or irritation of the sciatic nerve.

This disorder affects more than half of all pregnant women and tends to start from the sixth month of pregnancy.

Below you can learn about the causes and symptoms associated with this condition, as well as how it is treated.

Sciatica during pregnancy


There are several reasons why the sciatic nerve can be squeezed during pregnancy. However, all of them have the same origin: The anatomical and hormonal changes that take place in the mother’s body  as the fetus develops in the womb.

All in all, this creates a number of problems:

  • First of all, the growth of the uterus in the abdominal cavity displaces certain internal organs, which can damage the sciatic nerve.
  • In addition, the placement of the uterus and fetus causes the pregnant woman to tend to push her pelvis forward to maintain balance. This changes her center of gravity. Furthermore, this causes her feet to separate more and causes her back to bend excessively, which can lead to postures that squeeze the sciatic nerve.
  • Towards the end of pregnancy, the levels of a hormone called relaxin increase . This increases the uterine distension while ligaments in the body become more elastic. As a result, many joints become more unstable and the contractions become more frequent.

Symptoms of sciatica during pregnancy

Woman with sciatica during pregnancy

The pain will vary  depending on how much the sciatic nerve is pinched. Some women say that the pain is very intense and immobilizing, while others just feel some discomfort.

The most common symptoms are the following:

  • In mild sciatica, the pain extends from the lower back to the buttocks and tends to be in localized areas.
  • In the case of a more intense case of sciatica, the pain will radiate along the leg and may even affect the knee and heel.
  • The pain can be aggravated when coughing or sneezing.
  • You may experience  numbness or muscle weakness.
  • In the most severe cases, the pain can lead to reduced mobility.

This is how you can prevent and treat sciatica during pregnancy

Pregnant woman
Through exercise and breathing, you can strengthen your body and avoid sciatica pain during pregnancy.

By following a series of precautions, you will be able to treat and control this condition and make it more bearable during pregnancy and childbirth. You will also be able to prevent further damage to the sciatic nerve.

Here are some tips:

  • Check your weight during pregnancy.
  • Exercise in moderation. Physical activity such as walking, swimming, yoga and Pilates help to strengthen the abdominal muscles.
  • Heat therapy. Applying local heat to the affected area can relieve the pain.
  • Place a pillow between your legs if you sleep on your side, or under them if you sleep on your stomach.
  • Use a pelvic belt that will help distribute the weight of the abdomen better. This way, it becomes easier to maintain a good attitude.
  • Choose suitable footwear  that is adapted to the natural curvature of your back. It is not recommended to wear high heels.
  • In cases where you sit for a long time, take a break by walking and stretching your legs every two hours.
  • If the pain is severe, it is advisable to consult a physiotherapist to get localized massages and to soothe the muscles and let them relax.
  • It is  very important that you do not self-medicate yourself with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Instead, consult your doctor.

Finally, remember that a doctor will always be the professional you should consult in case of problems.

The changes that appear in your body during pregnancy have certain consequences. The best way to have a healthy and happy pregnancy is by taking care of them.

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