One-week Cleansing Treatment With Green Smoothies To Renew You

As part of a cleansing regimen, it is important for us to drink around two liters of water a day to improve the function of our kidneys and promote cleansing.
One-week cleansing treatment with green smoothies to renew you

Do you want to learn about a cleansing regimen with green smoothies its incredible health benefits? A cleansing regimen is a cleansing of the body. It is a detoxifying cure to eliminate toxins, renew you inside and out, increase your sense of well-being and energy, and to improve your appearance and achieve a balanced, healthy weight.

Discover how to make a simple cleansing regimen with green smoothies. Try it!

What is a cleansing regimen?

A cleansing regimen is a plan for a short period of time that focuses on eliminating toxins from your body through food and natural supplements. Overall, there are many types of detox cleansers: with juices, smoothies, medicinal plants, superfoods, etc.

In addition, there are also many miracle diets that promise incredible results by eating only one food for a certain period of time. However, we believe that a cleansing regimen should be healthy and nutritious and complement a balanced diet. In this way, we can achieve results gradually without health risks or unnecessary sacrifices.

Health benefits

What can we get out of a cleansing regimen?

  • Eliminate toxins that accumulate in the body and can lead to diseases.
  • Improve the function of internal organs such as the liver and kidneys (for example).
  • Balance the digestive system and fight intestinal disorders.
  • Get energy and vitality.
  • Fight nerve diseases such as anxiety, depression, stress, etc.
  • Prevent insomnia naturally and improve our nightly rest.
  • Increase your defenses against all kinds of pathogens.
  • Improve skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis, etc.
  • Reduce the symptoms of chronic disease.

The best beauty method

In addition, the positive results of this treatment regimen will also have external consequences. It acts as the best cosmetic for skin, hair and nails.

As a result of both the nutrients from green smoothies and the elimination of toxins, you will be able to:

  • Balance sebum in the skin and hair, which gives extra shine and softness
  • Eliminate all types of blemishes and acne

In addition, it is also the best antioxidant to prevent aging and the formation of wrinkles.

Green smoothies

Green smoothies

We should not be put off by the color of these smoothies. Despite the fact that the predominant pigment is green, the taste is sweet due to the combination of vegetables and fruit.

Those who try them will not only be very surprised by their delicious taste, but also by the fact that their positive effects on health are visible from day one.

Basic recipe

This recipe is used every day where the vegetables and fruits are exchanged. The amount here is for one day, so you should prepare this daily:

  • A bunch of raw leafy vegetables (200 g)
  • 2 pieces of fruit
  • 2 tablespoons oatmeal (24 g)
  • 1 tablespoon extra virgin coconut oil (14 g)
  • One teaspoon of wheatgrass powder (5 g)
  • 1 teaspoon spirulina powder (4 g)
  • 2 glasses of water (400 ml)

One-week cleansing treatment with green smoothies

Woman drinking smoothie

To make a week of detox smoothies, we suggest you mix different vegetables and fruits.


Start the week with one of the most classic smoothies to introduce ourselves to green smoothies: spinach and strawberries.

  • This smoothie is rich in iron, folic acid and vitamin C, so it is excellent for fighting and preventing anemia and fatigue.


Tuesday’s smoothie has a spicy and refreshing touch thanks to its two main ingredients: arugula and pineapple.

  • This smoothie is  very cleansing, improves the digestive system and helps eliminate liquids.


We arrive on Wednesday with an unusual, exotic smoothie: leaf beet and mango.

  • This smoothie, rich in beta carotene, has powerful antioxidants and re-mineralizing properties. In addition, it helps promote healthy bowel function.


For this smoothie you can use some green leaves that we do not tend to eat and combine them with fruit to improve their taste. In this case, we mix radish leaves and pears.

  • This is a powerful detoxifying green smoothie that improves the function of the liver and kidneys.
Green smoothies


The weekend is near, and it’s time to waddle up the detox with watercress and apple.

  • This is an excellent combination to take care of the health of the liver.


For Saturday, we suggest a very nutritious smoothie: beetroot leaves and avocado.

  • This smoothie provides a large amount of vitamins, essential fatty acids and minerals.


Finally, we end the week with a purple smoothie: spring salad and blueberries.

  • This smoothie helps us prevent urinary tract infections and improve eyesight.


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