Nutritional Advice For Patients At Increased Risk Of Osteoporosis

In addition to possible family history, our risk of osteoporosis may increase with certain types of behaviors, such as alcohol or tobacco consumption and an unbalanced diet.
Nutritional advice for patients at increased risk of osteoporosis

In general, all people are prone to bone problems. However, there are some crucial factors that give people an increased risk of osteoporosis. In this article, we will therefore give you a number of tips on nutrition that you can use to reduce the effect of this disease that weakens the bones in your body.

Bones and an increased risk of osteoporosis

Risk of osteoporosis.

Our bones are made up of living tissue that is constantly regenerated. That is, new cells replace the old cells. This guarantees good bone health and therefore good bone function.

However, this process can be interrupted or affected. If this happens, the cells will not be able to regenerate as quickly, which will result in the bones becoming weak and thin.

In these cases, the probability of fracture increases. This is known as osteoporosis .

Factors that increase our risk of osteoporosis

There are several factors that increase our risk of osteoporosis. Some are considered inevitable. These factors are aging, family history, menopause and a weak bone structure.

On the other hand, there are some risk factors that can be prevented and have to do with our lifestyle. These factors include excessive alcohol consumption and smoking.

Among the risk factors that can be prevented are health conditions such as amenorrhea, lack of vitamin C or D and low body weight. All of these conditions can be treated with medication or supplements, which reduces the risk of suffering from osteoporosis.


Everyone should take measures against the risk factors that can be prevented. However, those who already have symptoms should make an extra effort not to end up with other symptoms.

If you have a family history of osteoporosis, are elderly, or are entering menopause, you need to be especially careful. There are already many risk factors for osteoporosis that cannot be prevented. This is why it is not recommended to start with unhealthy habits such as smoking or excessive drinking.

On the other hand, conditions that can be prevented and that increase the likelihood of suffering from this disease should be treated properly at the right time.

Measures to prevent osteoporosis

Below we list the most important nutritional measures you should take to reduce your risk of osteoporosis:

  • Eat the right amount of protein. Protein is the nutrient responsible for nourishing the tissues in our body. A diet low in protein causes deficiencies in the regeneration of body tissues, including the bones.
  • Foods with vitamin D. The most important foods that contain vitamin D are fish oil, tuna, salmon, sardines, dairy products, egg yolks, avocados and mushrooms.
  • Eat foods with calcium . The foods that contain the most calcium are without a doubt dairy products. However, we can also get this mineral through sardines, sesame, kiwi, almonds, cabbage and dried figs.
  • Avoid excess fiber. Although fiber is highly recommended in many diseases , it can work against its purpose in osteoporosis. This is because it has effects on the gut that can reduce the absorption of calcium.

Other recommendations

Woman at the doctor.
  • Reduce salt intake.
  • Limit bad habits. If you smoke, you can try to quit as it increases the risk of osteoporosis as well as a long list of other complications.
  • If you are overweight or obese, you can contact a nutritionist to receive an adequate diet plan.
  • If you suffer from amenorrhea, you need to treat this situation as soon as possible with the help of medical specialists.
  • If you have a calcium or vitamin D deficiency, talk to a nutritionist. They can guide you in the right direction to find the cause behind the deficiency.
  • Don’t forget to include exercise in your daily routine. This can be as simple as walking 30 minutes every day.

An appointment with a specialist can still help you overcome the conditions that increase your risk of osteoporosis. Remember that your health and quality of life are things you should not take lightly.

Do you suffer from osteoporosis?

We recommend that you perform medical check-ups and try to include new healthy habits in your life to slow down the condition.

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