Learning To Deal With Death In A Selfless Way

Sometimes we do not think about how much our loved one suffers, but rather focus on our loss and how it makes us feel. Learn how to deal with loss and accept that death is a natural part of life.
Learning to deal with death in a selfless way

Losing someone close to us is a part of life. In fact, if there is anything certain in this life, it is death.

While some cultures celebrate death and others consider it a liberation of one’s soul, our culture sees it as a tragedy.

Sadness, frustration, rage… these feelings and many more overwhelm us. Sometimes, if we do not feel them, we even feel bad because we do not.

But could it be that when we weep over the loss of someone, we are more sad for ourselves than for them?

Rejection and loss through death


It is strange to think about how we reject something when there is no possible solution to it.

We have often talked about accepting life’s difficulties, toxic people who will not change and mistakes we still make. We try to accept all this.

Why can we not accept death?

Imagine that someone you love has passed away  due to an illness such as cancer, for example. It is painful, destructive, and sometimes there is no way out.

But while it may be natural to be sad and depressed, it is also important to accept this end as something positive.

After seeing your loved one suffer from a terrible disease, would you rather that they should still be alive and going through this pain, or that things take their natural course?

Rejection when facing a loss comes from something much deeper. It comes from a selfish feeling that takes over and makes us think only of ourselves.

Loss and addiction

Woman in cemetery

There is a connection between loss and emotional dependence.  In couples, this leads to destructive relationships; with loss, it leads to a self-destructive relationship.

Suddenly we do not feel able to live without our loved one, and that is what actually makes us sad. It is not that they are gone, but that they have left us all alone.

This is a very self-centered thought, especially because your emotions control you. We know better than anyone that  when we accept and get past this, we will move on.

We use our energy, time and everything we have in this disorder, not because of them, but because of the circumstances we are in.

However, running from death is not an option. It’s something we just have to accept, because it always wins in the end.

Life does not ask for your permission


Life does not ask for your permission to take away your loved one. When you least expect it, it snaps away the one that matters most to you.

The consequences of this can be devastating if you have not learned to accept it. If you hide in pain, feed it and it will start to grow to the point that you can not move on.

Life is not responsible for how you feel and how bad things have been for you ever since your loved one died. It is your responsibility to accept it as it is.

To speak honestly about death, to not let it be taboo anymore, to avoid false sadness because you feel guilty… All these things can help us move on.

Do not let yourself be controlled by society.

Not accepting death as a natural part of life. It is one of the many negative things that have been instilled in us. But death is natural. We can not fight against something that will eventually happen to all of us.

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