Interesting Facts About Snoring And Snorers

Did you know that snoring is hereditary? This is why 70% of the population snores, although not everyone snores every night.
Interesting facts about snoring and snorers

In this article, we will look at a topic that is relevant to very many. We will give you interesting facts about snoring.

You have probably heard, or even made at least one of these statements. The fact that we make such strange noises when we sleep is an interesting phenomenon, which it can be exciting to know a little more about. Here are some interesting facts about snoring.

Sensational facts about snoring

You have probably already heard that those who sleep on their backs snore more often than those who lie on their side or on their stomachs. You should still keep reading, because we have collected several lesser known facts about snoring.

Causes of snoring

Researchers have revealed that there are three main factors that help determine whether a person snores or not. Snorers can be identified by one, two and three of these factors. People who snore usually do this because:

  • They are  overweight
  • They smoke
  • They drink alcohol

So to avoid sounding like a rhino or a hippopotamus when you sleep, you should focus on staying in good shape, eating healthy and exercising, quitting smoking and trying to reduce your alcohol intake. The benefit is that in addition to stopping snoring at night, changes to these three habits will improve your overall quality of life.

What happens when we snore?

How can you stop snoring?

Snoring can also occur due to allergies or other problems in the nasal region. That is why we like to snore more in winter than in summer.

First and foremost, we get sick more often when it is cold outside (and thus stuffy in the nose). In addition  , spring often brings with it allergies, usually due to pollen and grass.

A combination of these factors usually results in snoring. This is especially true if you also meet one or more of the previously mentioned factors and are overweight, smoke or drink alcohol.

Snoring is noisy

The sound level of a person’s snoring can range from 50 to 100 decibels. It may seem unlikely, but this is actually as noisy as the sound of a drill. It is therefore no wonder that it is often tempting to go to bed in another room if your partner snores!

England has its own snoring association

Did you know that there is a separate snoring association in England? (They obviously snore a lot there.) According to the organization, sleeping with a snorer can result in you losing up to two years of sleep during your lifetime.

Snoring can also cause sleep apnea, mood swings, irritation, difficulty concentrating and nightmares. Perhaps just one of these factors may end up being the main reason for a divorce.

A somewhat gloomy fact about snoring is that there is supposedly a greater chance of a breakup if one of the people snores. According to the management of the English Snoring Association, this is another reason to sleep in different rooms.

Snoring is hereditary

The next time you go to dinner with your parents, ask them if they snore. Snoring is hereditary. 70% of those who snore have parents who snore, in addition to other close parents such as uncles, aunts or grandparents.

Children also snore

Most men snore

Most people think that men snore more than women, and that is completely true. The difference, however, is not as huge as one might think. 40% of men snore, while 30% of women do the same. So be a little careful about accusing your husband of snoring. It may well be that he reveals that you are just as bad!

45% of adults snore at least once an hour, and 25% of them snore between two and three times a week. Another interesting fact shows that many refuse to “accept” that they snore. As if it is possible to check in your sleep whether a snorer or not! Or you may snore so loud that you wake yourself up.

Children snoring

If you have young children who snore, it is a good idea to take a trip to the doctor, as this may be a sign of hyperactivity or ADHD. If, on the other hand, they only snore occasionally, it could be something as simple as a stuffy nose or that you are very tired. Some people start snoring already as an infant, but then almost without sound. As you grow, the sound gets louder.

Italians are on the “snoring peak”

Although there is no clear connection between where in the world you are from and how much you snore, researchers have actually found that among us Europeans, it is Italians who snore the most. You may therefore want to pack a couple of earplugs if you are planning a trip there at first.

Singing can improve snoring

Blocked airways

A British choir conductor happened to find that singing reduces snoring at night. After suffering through the man’s snoring for many years, she suggested that he start singing for 20 minutes every day. She contacted a doctor who offered other similar activities.

They then underwent a three-month trial period with 20 volunteers, and the results were incredible. Singing exercises train and strengthen the vocal cords, which in turn improves the airflow to the lungs and prevents snoring.

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