How To Treat Ingrown Toenails

It is very important to treat ingrown toenails properly so that it does not develop into a serious problem. Fortunately, there are some home remedies that can help you speed up the healing process.
How to treat ingrown toenails

“Unguis incarnatus” is the medical name for this nail problem most people know as “ingrown toenails”. This problem is often both painful and unpleasant. It usually affects the nail on the big toe, which often swells up and gets an infection.

It is very important to treat ingrown toenails so that they do not develop into a more serious problem. Therefore, we have created this article on how to treat the problem, as well as some tips on how to relieve the pain caused by ingrown toenails.

How to treat ingrown toenails

  • First of all, you need to find a large tub so that you can put your legs in warm water for 15 – 20 minutes. This part of the treatment is to relieve pain and, most of all, to prevent possible infections. For even better results, you can have antibacterial soap in the water.
  • After about 20 minutes, dry your legs and floss a little under your nail. You should perform this treatment regularly. Also, be sure to replace the dental floss every day so that the nail can grow over the skin.
  • Cut your nails with a straight nail clipper and file them so that they have a square shape. Try not to cut your nails in a round shape, as this increases the chances that you can get ingrown toenails.
  • Use topical antibiotics for immediate pain relief. You can get this as jelly, creams or the like at the pharmacy.
  • When you continue the treatment of the ingrown toenail, it is good if you can wear open shoes. The shoes should not press on the problem area and cause greater pain. Avoid tight and tight shoes.

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Homemade remedies to relieve ingrown toenails

onion cancer

In addition to the tips we have already given you, you can also consider trying some of the following home remedies. These can help speed up the healing process.

  • The juice from an onion
    Squeeze the juice from an onion and apply it directly on the toenail. Let the juice dry on the nail and perform this treatment regularly for best results.
  • Saline
    Prepare a saline solution and apply it directly to the ingrown toenail before bedtime. Wrap your toe so that the treatment can work overnight.
  • Lemon
    Rub a slice of lemon right on that toe and use a little bandage so that the lemon juice stays on the toe for a few hours.
  • Garlic
    Garlic is known for its strong antibiotic properties. It can help you fight the infection under the nail and reduce the swelling. Crush some garlic and place it directly on the ingrown toenail.
  • Tea tree
    oil This essential oil is a natural antibiotic, which can help fight infections. Pour a few drops directly on the affected area.
  • Carrot
    Wash and crush a carrot so that it becomes a mass. Apply this directly to the area with the infection. Cover it with a bandage and leave it on for a few hours. Repeat the treatment twice daily.

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Other recommendations

ingrown toenail
  • If the pain is unbearable, you should see a doctor and get painkillers.
  • If you have diabetes, you should consult your doctor before starting any treatment.
  • Try to walk barefoot when you are at home. This will give the nail lots of air and it will counteract bacterial growth. Remember that bacteria multiply faster in hot and humid environments, so you should avoid tight shoes.
  • Try to avoid high heels and other uncomfortable shoes. It does not help to look great in elegant shoes, if it means that you get very sore legs. You should never force your legs into uncomfortable shoes.
  • Remember that good nail hygiene is important if you want to avoid ingrown toenails. It is important to check your nails regularly, as well as wash and cut them properly. Follow the tips we have given to avoid this problem.

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