Hormonal Imbalance And Fat Burning

Not everyone is aware of this, but there is a link between hormone production and weight gain or accumulation of fat in the body.
Hormonal imbalance and fat burning

Hormonal imbalance may be responsible for you not losing weight. It is important that you follow a regimen for each part of the body to repair as well as balance the hormones.

Not everyone is aware of this, but there is a link between hormone production and weight gain or accumulation of fat in the body. This is why some people go from diet to diet and work out at the gym, without losing either pounds or inches. In the following article, you can learn how to adjust the hormones to burn fat in certain areas of the body so that you can lose weight.

It is not just the hormones that are responsible for your weight. Combustion also plays a significant role. When fat is stored in the body, you want to eat more. If you have a hormonal imbalance, it will be almost impossible to lose weight.

You may think it’s enough to stay away from fast food and jog half an hour a day to lose weight, but there are obstacles. Remember that if your hormones are not in balance, you will never reach your goal weight or dream body. 

Hormonal imbalance: facts

It is important to know some basic facts about hormones and you probably know them. To begin with, hormones are a chemical substance produced by the body to function as an orchestra. Each of them plays an important role when it comes to energy production, stress release, maintenance of muscle tissue and fat accumulation.

This is one of the reasons why women crave certain types of food when they are menstruating or when they are pregnant. A healthy, balanced hormone system will help you reach a healthy weight and maintain an active lifestyle.

belly fat

First you need to cleanse your body by removing all the toxins that have accumulated in your body. Foods that contain more unhealthy ingredients are often the ones that are most “addictive”, which explains why they want a bag of potato chips more than an apple. So stay away from them. It is difficult to begin with, but you get used to it in approx. 3 weeks. The good news is that you will see results. Your diet plays an important role in how effective and cleansed your body will be.

What you can eat and what you should stay away from to balance the hormones

Stay away from foods with a high glycemic index, as these make you fussy and lead to uncontrolled eating. This means that you need to eliminate (or reduce) your intake of carbohydrates, refined sugars (bread, rice, pasta, buns) from your diet. This also applies to processed foods that contain a variety of additives and preservatives.

On the other hand, there are foods that will both help you lose weight as well as contribute to overall better health. Their low glycemic index keeps the hormones in balance, which has a positive effect on skin and hair.

Foods that are high in fiber, such as bananas, raisins, artichokes, oatmeal, nuts and beans will give you better digestion. Do not forget to drink 2 liters of water per day (and up to 3 in the summer) to increase metabolism and give the body the fluid it needs to get rid of toxins through urination and sweating.

Foods that remove fat in every part of the body

It’s true – certain parts of the body have a harder time losing weight than other parts of the body. This is entirely dependent on the individual and their habits, but the hormones also play an important role. Those who produce a lot of estrogen (women) will usually have larger hips and thighs, for example. So there is a special hormone treatment that can achieve balance in every part of the body:


If your stomach is a little round, it’s not just because you eat too much. Fat stored in the abdominal area is also due to high levels of cortisol (also known as stress hormone). This is why people who work a lot or under pressure store fat in this area.

A natural way to get rid of belly fat is to eat more basil, an herb that comes from India and that reduces our cortisol levels. Other options are spinach, citrus fruits, barley, beans, and nuts.


If you store a lot of fat on your back, it is usually because you have a high insulin level. Foods that can counteract this are those that contain linoleic acid: yogurt, lean meat, whole grains and green vegetables.


buttock muscle

Many women want a great butt, but not too big. If you store fat in this area, it is due to a high estrogen production. To counteract this, you should eat vegetables such as broccoli or cauliflower. They are full of phytochemicals that neutralize this hormone. Other alternatives are flaxseed, chia seeds, sesame seeds, red grapes and pomegranates.

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