Goodbye Dream Prince, I Prefer A Real Person

Instead of looking for the Dream Prince who will save you and shower you with love, you should learn to love yourself before anything else. This is the only way one can be able to establish a truly happy relationship.
Goodbye Dream Prince, I prefer a real person

I have been searching for a long time for the Dream Prince that we have seen in adventure movies since we were young. Still, I have not been able to find him for some reason.

All my relationships have been painful, they did not meet my expectations, and in many cases I was dependent on my partner to make me feel happy and safe.

I searched thoroughly for the Dream Prince until I realized that he was not real. The search for him led me to dive into relationships filled with lies and false illusions.

The big lie about the Dream Prince

Man carrying woman in his arms

We all know the story of how the Dream Prince rescues the princess who is trapped in a high tower or threatened by a dragon.

The charming, polite, respectful, heroic prince, whose praise for his noble deed is a princess who can not help herself and can not be happy unless a prince comes and saves her.

Because of this, we have grown up believing in the  idea that we need someone who will make us happy. That’s why finding another ‘half’ has become so important, and being alone has become a terrible thing we escape.

If no one loves us, we can not feel loved; If no one wants us, we can not feel wanted. Is it that we need recognition from others to be something?

All of this has triggered a major epidemic that plagues our century. This plague is called emotional addiction.

Woman with strands in her hair

We cling to our other half and think we are so in love that we are in the clouds. We attach ourselves to them because of our great fear of losing them. Without that person we are nothing, we lose our identity. Why is this happening? Because we have allowed the other person to define who we are and to make us happy.

We have given all the responsibility to our Dream Prince who on more than one occasion did not react as we expected.

It’s okay to be alone

Have you ever used someone to avoid feeling alone? Maybe your first answer is “no”, but if you have jumped from one relationship to another, then your answer is probably “yes”.

After a breakup, we should allow ourselves to be alone. Our wounds need to be healed and this takes time.

It is true that the word “alone” is scary, very scary. But have you asked yourself why? Do you settle down with people who fill the void while you wait for your Dream Prince to come?

Either way, he will not come, not only because he does not exist, but because you do not learn to be alone.

You are afraid. Maybe you suffered a lot as a child, and you carry with you a lack of affection. It hurts to be alone, right? Still, pain can be very healing.

leaf with heart-shaped hole

We cannot try to love another person if we do not learn to love ourselves first. We can not connect with people we do not really like. These types do not satisfy us the way we want them to.

Calming down should never be the answer. You deserve the best, and it’s okay to be alone. In fact, it can actually be very rewarding.

To practice secession

When you become too attached to your partner, and you give them a meaning in your life that is unrequited, you suffer greatly, because when they leave, your life ends. But if you think about it, this does not happen with friends, teachers and other relationships, which for some reason end up flowing apart.

A “second half” is all for you, but in reality this is not the case. Do not wait for the Dream Prince to make you happy. One day, just maybe, an ordinary person will show up. Not to make you happy or fill your voids, but to embark on a beautiful journey with you.

If the relationship does not work, it’s okay! Let it go. Your life will not end because someone decided to leave you, or because things did not work out or things changed.

woman and bird by the sea

You are complete, you can save yourself and you are no longer in an intensive search for someone to meet all your needs. Because you know what?

No one can provide what you need better than yourself. If you do not, you need to prepare yourself to experience what it feels like to suffer for “love”. Others may disappoint you.

Do you want to start loving yourself and stop waiting for someone else to do it?

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