Get Rid Of Toxins In The Body In 3 Days With This Diet

Do not extend this diet beyond three days because it is a very restrictive program that is meant only to get rid of toxins in your body.
Get rid of toxins in the body in 3 days with this diet

Not having time is a big reason why people do not eat well. Maybe fast food occupies too much of your diet. This is why it is important to get rid of toxins in your body from time to time, as with this three day diet.

Your schedule may not allow you to focus on the lifestyle you want, and thinking about health may just not be a part of your normal life. The result of this, however, will be fatigue and illness.

Your body needs more nutrients and healthy meals  – and putting all of this together requires planning. The body always speaks; listen to it! It is time to get rid of toxins from your body and restore your organs back to good health.

Get rid of toxins with this diet


People search the internet for miracle diets, but  it turns out that success is achieved with commitment and perseverance. We come up with this idea because three days is enough time to recover your body and recover, but then you need to continue with a balanced diet.

Getting rid of toxins in your body is about eliminating harmful toxins,  which can make your skin look damaged or weaken your organs. The key is to change the body from the inside out.

A diet to get rid of toxins is the first step. It will last for only three days, which is why it will be very restrictive. It will consist of eating fruits and vegetables, soup or broth, and teas that help with the hydration process that contain little protein and carbohydrates.

You can eat snacks between meals. Nutritional physiologist Andrea Miranda, director of the Argentine Society of Aesthetics and Integrated Nutrition (SAENI), says that two servings a day is enough. It can be low-fat yogurt, light gelatin, grapes or nuts.

More water to hydrate the body

Dr. Miranda explains that in these cleansing diets, water is very important. She suggests drinking two to three liters every day to hydrate the body optimally.

Water cleanses the body and helps cleanse organs such as the kidneys. This is very important to get rid of toxins in your body. In addition, in these three-day diets, it is advisable to start with a liquid-based fast to accelerate the process. You want to encourage the production of new cells and activate your organs so that they can function better.

The keys to a good diet to get rid of toxins

To cleanse your body in three days,  make sure you provide your body with nutrients and minerals. Despite the fact that the diet does not last long, it must still be balanced. It is not worth risking your health.

Woman makes healthy food

Here are some tips:

  • Drink two or three liters of water every day.
  • Do not forget about carbohydrates, but avoid flour and processed sugar.
  • As carbohydrates you can eat fruits, vegetables and tubers. These three food groups support your immune system.
  • Fruit is an excellent source of sugar and contains many nutrients. Choose diuretic types like pineapple and try to eat them in solid form.
  • Do not forget nuts for snacks.
  • No carbohydrates should be eaten in the evening.
  • For proteins, go for fresh meat and fish. Prepare them without additives and eat them in small portions.
  • Reduce salt intake to avoid fluid retention and to stimulate urination.
  • Forget fried foods. If you need oil, use olive or coconut oil.

Diet Guide

Here is an example of what you can eat during this diet.


  • Start with tea. Serve with a slice of wholemeal bread and put on some low-fat cheese. Drink a citrus juice (lemon or orange).
  • Another choice: a handful of dried fruits and nuts (hazelnut, almonds, walnuts and peanuts).


  • Vegetable soup. Salad with enough raw or cooked vegetables. Serve with light gelatin and enough water.
  • Alternative choice: 10 grapes and a cup of tea.


  • Chicken or meat broth. Cooked vegetables. Chicken, meat or fish that you can eat baked or cooked. Serve with fruit and water.

Infusions or tea

Drinking tea will be very helpful during these three days. You want to prevent fluid retention and kick start the process of getting rid of toxins. Infusions are good for the body at any time of the year, whether it is winter or summer.

Go for a green tea because it contains lots of  antioxidants. Also consider white tea, which is ideal if you are struggling with anxiety and stress. This type contains amino acids and is recommended for people with hypertension.

Remember that diets to get rid of toxins should not be a punishment. It will be three difficult days, with many restrictions, but the point is to improve your physical and mental health.

We encourage you to make good decisions after these three days. The real result you will see if you  follow a healthy diet, have a balanced food plan, and exercise regularly.

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