Forgive Your Parents, They Did The Best They Could

Forgive your parents. Whether you believe it or not, the mistakes have had a positive result. It is the fact that now that you are aware of them, you can take a different path because you know better.
Forgive your parents, they did the best they could

Forgive your parents for any lack of affection they gave you, for any bad experience you had, for any pain and abuse you may have experienced.

We know that you are suffering from the consequences of the actions you are now judging. We understand that they are hurting you and causing you to resent your parents. If you think about it, however, they did the best they could. If you had shared their experiences and situations, you might have ended up doing the same things.

Forgive your parents for doing the best they can

father and son

Forgive your parents because no one taught them how to fulfill the important role they decided to take on themselves. We know the phrase that has crossed your mind on many occasions. “It would be better if they never got me!” However, this is unfair, and something that your parents do not deserve to hear.

Put yourself in their place and ask yourself how you would feel if your child said that to you. Forgiving your parents will also help you to forgive yourself when you find yourself making similar mistakes, or even completely different. No one is free to make mistakes, especially when they are responsible for raising another human being.

Forgive your parents because whether you believe it or not, their mistakes have had a positive result. Do you know what it is? It is the fact that you, now that you are aware of them.  Can take a different path because you know better.

If the bitterness continues to linger in your heart. However, you will end up doing the same things yourself without even realizing it, and possibly worse.

Free yourself from this burden

birds fly by hand

Sometimes the anger over a catastrophic childhood caused by parents who were unable to nurture you better can cause you to carry a burden of bitterness for many years. You may not know why, but you will not find true happiness. It may be something you do not want to see or heal.

Your pride can sometimes prevent you from taking the first step toward forgiveness. And you’re waiting for them to come and apologize to you.

Why make your suffering last longer than it should? It is your own happiness that is at stake. It is your responsibility to choose the path you want to follow. You are no longer a little boy or girl by the grace of your parents.

Now you are an adult who has to take the first step, without waiting for someone else to do it. It does not mean crawling or humiliating yourself. This is one of the best decisions you can make. Because it will free you from the great burden that puts the world in a thick darkness.

Everything you can learn

Parents and children

Even if your parents did not learn from all the pain they caused you, there are some who understood it – and it is you! The damage that was done can make you feel deeply damaged, but rest assured that there was something good about it all. After all, it is you who decides whether to turn everything around or continue to carry the burden that will lead you to take the same steps you think are harmful.

If everything in life were perfect, we would never learn. It is strange how we often learn from the most negative experiences. They help us grow, mature and become better people. Once you were a small child who did not have the power to change things, but now you are an adult who is able to change course.

You can decide whether to forgive your parents and free the awful anchorage of a distant past, or to live your life with bitterness and hatred towards two people who did not know better.

What do you want to do?

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