Five Tips To Improve Liver And Gallbladder Function

If you drink dandelion tea after dinner. it will both help digestion and optimize liver function, as well as fight headaches and inflammation.
Five tips to improve liver and gallbladder function

The liver and gallbladder are two related organs that have a few functions in common. Both are located on the right side of the abdomen, and they are connected by tubes called bile ducts.

The liver is undoubtedly the organ that plays the most crucial role in your body, by removing toxins, synthesizing hormones and enzymes, maintaining glycogen stores, and administering iron, copper and vitamin A.

It is also responsible for destroying dead virus or bacterial cells with the production of copper cells, which are very similar to white blood cells.

At the same time, your gallbladder is responsible for storing bile that the liver excretes. This helps to improve your digestive system and allows you to absorb nutrients more efficiently.

All of these are the reasons why it is important to live a healthy life and that you take care of your diet. This way, the liver can continue to perform its important functions  and help the gallbladder optimize your digestive system.

In today’s article, we invite you to learn about five ways in which you can improve your liver and gallbladder function. Are you ready to write it down?

Treatments on an empty stomach

2-apple cider vinegar

These are three great ways to get your morning off to a good start. With each of them you will help to cleanse your body, cleanse it of toxins, and balance your natural pH value so that both the liver and the gallbladder will be able to function better.


A glass of warm water with lemon juice

It is important that the water is always warm for it to help detoxify. You just need to add the juice of half a lemon to a cup of warm water and drink it as the first thing you do in the morning, before breakfast.

You can do this for four consecutive days, and combine it with the following treatments that we will tell you about afterwards.

A tablespoon of olive oil with a few drops of lemon juice

This is something we recommend all the time on this blog. The combination of olive oil and lemon helps to stimulate the production of bile, while providing important minerals to the liver to strengthen it with the addition of vitamin C.

A glass of organic apple juice

Apples contain malic acid, a mineral that is good for cleansing the liver. In this case, to make the detoxification more effective, we recommend that you drink two glasses of organic apple juice on an empty stomach for two days, and that you wait half an hour before eating breakfast afterwards. It’s worth it.

2. Grapefruit, garlic and ginger

This combination may seem a little stronger than it looks, thanks to the powerful ingredients. Garlic and ginger alone have good anti-inflammatory properties, and combined with the high content of vitamin C and minerals that grapefruit has, this is an excellent way to cleanse the liver and gallbladder.

Pay attention to the following recipe:


  • 1 grapefruit
  • 5 g fresh grated ginger
  • 1 clove garlic, finely chopped
  • 1 cup of water (200 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon honey (25 g)

Here’s how to do it

  • The first thing you need to do is grate the ginger very finely. Then mix it well with the chopped garlic clove.
  • Get the juice of the grapefruit.
  • Put all the ingredients in a blender: the juice from the grapefruit, honey, ginger and sliced ​​garlic. Run it until the mixture is smooth, and add water to get a homogeneous liquid. Let the mixture stand for 15 minutes.
  • Drink this drink twice a week, before going to bed.
  • Remember that the liver performs most of its cleansing functions during the night while you sleep, with the help of the lymphatic system. This simple remedy helps to optimize its function.

3. Say “yes” to dandelion tea

  • If there is one medicinal plant that treats problems with the liver and gallbladder, it is the modest dandelion.
  • Dandelion improves digestion, increases the body’s production of bile, optimizes liver function, and fights inflammation, headaches and general malaise.
  • The best time to enjoy a cup of dandelion tea is 10 minutes after your main meal of the day. You can prepare it by putting 10 grams of dandelion in a cup of warm water, and making it sweeter with a little honey. It is delicious!

A revitalizing salad for the liver and gallbladder

3-coleslaw salad

This salad will help strengthen and cleanse the whole body. The nutrients that these vegetables contain are excellent for taking care of the liver and for promoting good health to the gallbladder.

What do you need:


  • 50 g red cabbage, cut into pieces
  • 50 g finely chopped green cabbage
  • Slightly grated carrot, fresh and raw
  • 50 g spinach, chopped
  • 3 nuts
  • ½ avocado
  • Slightly chopped parsley
  • 8 raisins
  • A little fennel
  • ½ bulb

Here’s how to do it

Wash all the ingredients well and chop them very finely. You want all the fruits and vegetables to be fresh and raw, because they provide the most benefits when they are.

Put all the ingredients in a bowl and pour in a little olive oil and a few drops of lemon juice for taste. It is delicious!

5. Water of barley


Barley water is a useful remedy for stress, anxiety, and in general it will help cleanse the body. It is rich in nutrients such as calcium, magnesium and potassium, as well as a number of vitamins that help balance the body’s natural pH value.

How do you make it?


  • 25 g barley grains
  • 1 cup of water (200 ml)
  • 2 g cinnamon
  • The juice of half a lemon
  • 1 tablespoon honey (25 g)

Here’s how to do it

  • Start by rinsing the barley grain using a sieve.
  • Bring the water to a boil and add the barley grain. Cook for at least half an hour, or until you notice that the grains become tender.
  • When they are ready, strain off the water and separate it from the barley. Sweeten this liquid with cinnamon and honey, and finally add the juice of half a lemon. Try drinking this hot beverage in the afternoon. It will make you feel wonderful.

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