Five Common Mistakes We Make With Fluid Intake

There are five common mistakes we make with fluid intake. Believe it or not, it is very easy to get into these habits without realizing it.
Five common mistakes we make with fluid intake

To maintain a good quality of life and avoid getting sick, you should make sure you drink enough fluids. Although many people overlook this and make mistakes with fluid intake, it is important to have proper fluid intake so that all your organs function properly.

A dehydrated body begins to show failure in its main functions. This can lead to as many physical problems as mental. The thing is, in addition to drinking enough water, maintaining fluid balance depends on other factors that many people usually forget.

1. Mistakes we make with fluid intake: Too high sodium intake

Five common mistakes we make with hydration: Limit your sodium intake

It is true that one of the main recommendations from doctors is to take care of your sodium consumption. A diet rich in this mineral can cause chronic problems with fluid retention and chronic high blood pressure.

However, this does not mean that it is an enemy and that it should be completely excluded from your diet. Too little of it can also cause counterproductive effects.

  • Poor absorption of this mineral, or excessive loss of it from sweat, makes it difficult to replace fluids, even if you drink enough water.
  • Conditions such as heat and humidity make it more important that you drink enough fluids and get enough salt.

2. Drinking too much water

someone who pours into a glass of water

While not drinking enough water can lead to dehydration, drinking too much water can also give you negative effects.

Your body is not prepared to process anything in excess, even water. The amount of water that is right for you depends on your age, weight, habits and weather.

3. Mistakes we make with fluid intake: Not getting enough magnesium and potassium

Five common mistakes we make with hydration: Not getting enough magnesium and potassium

People who do sports or who exercise or do other physical activity that uses energy should make sure to get the right amount of magnesium and potassium.

These important minerals play an important role in maintaining fluid balance in your body and in muscle health. Lack of these minerals can prevent proper hydration of the cells and the balance in electrolyte levels.

If you lack any mineral, there is a greater chance that you will suffer from muscle cramps, pain and other symptoms of dehydration.

4. Drink sugary drinks

Drink sugary drinks

A large number of people believe that you can hydrate your body by drinking soda or sugary fruit juices.

Although they can quench your thirst, their components are far from healthy for your body.

  • These drinks are full of sugar and added chemical compounds that, instead of hydrating your cells, can cause dehydration.
  • They also lack high quality nutrients. Although some may say that they are made from fruit, it does not give them the same properties.
  • Many contain stimulants that can have unwanted effects on your health.

5 mistakes we make with fluid intake: Not paying attention to the body’s signs

Five common mistakes we make with hydration: Not paying attention to the body's signs

Sometimes you may think you are drinking enough water, but in reality you are not. There are many factors involved in this process, and because of them it is no wonder that when you make a mistake, you can reach a certain level of dehydration.

The thing is, even if your body sends you many signals, you may not always be aware of them or understand what they are trying to tell you.

The most worrying thing is when you let them grow and worsen, and you finally realize that it is a problem after it has already caused significant damage.

  • Symptoms such as changes in urination patterns or urinary tract infections may be a sign that you do not have enough fluids and electrolytes.
  • They can also manifest themselves through continuous headaches, feelings of thirst and muscle cramps.
  • Some people have a decrease in heart rate and fainting.

If these symptoms appear, it is important that you drink a sports drink in small but frequent sips.

After this, you should start a moderate and gradual hydration plan. You should not overdo it and overload your stomach with fluid.

Do you realize that you have made some of these mistakes with the fluid intake mentioned above? In that case, you can try to fix them as soon as possible so that you do not get the consequences listed.

Remember that if you do sports or work in a place where you use a lot of energy, you should strengthen your hydration plan to ensure that you keep your body properly hydrated. The same applies if you suffer from some kind of disease.

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