You Feel Sad? Try These 8 Tips.

Do you feel sad?  Try these 8 tips.

You feel sad. It surrounds you and suffocates you with its cold blanket when you least want it. It is the negative emotion that is so difficult to deal with and to overcome. When you feel sad, it is as if someone has turned off your life switch and you have no choice but to disappear into the darkness. Nobody understands you and it feels like everything is going wrong.

So what can you do? First of all, you can not let sadness win. It is the known enemy that you must defiantly face and calmly say that it will not win. If you ever think you can do it, you do not need to worry. We tell you in today’s article about 8 ways you can overcome sadness.

Do not let sadness prevail; apply these methods!

Take a walk when you feel sad

fast walk

The last thing you should do is stay home in solitude. Never. Rather find the old hiking shoes, comfortable training clothes, the house keys…. and go for a walk!

Go at a fast pace with the strength you have inside you, and feel that problems and negative emotions gradually disappear. It is good to move the body and feel that you are sweating a little. The heart will start releasing endorphins, the happy hormones, and at this point you will think less about what is bothering you. Put it to use!

2. Sit in the sun with your eyes closed

eyes closed

A peaceful moment filled with serenity, when you let the sun warm your skin for only 15 minutes. A good dose of vitamin D will give you the good feeling of calm. On days when you feel sad, do not seek out a dark corner or stay in bed.

Normally, people suffering from depression will avoid sunlight. But you should not; enjoy instead of a moment of warmth.

Take 2 hours off from all duties

yoga exercises

We all know that it is not always easy. You have things you have to do, responsibilities, jobs, duties…. But when you are sad, a wall arises that makes it almost impossible to do anything right. You have neither motivation nor energy.

The solution? Stop for a moment and give yourself two hours, enjoy the break and leisure, without any pressure or anxiety. Be yourself.

4. Write

write diary

Do you write a diary? If not here’s a new product just for you! It acts as therapy and helps you organize your ideas, you can express yourself, talk to yourself and benefit from the personal that writing provides.

You do not have to be Gabriel Garcia Marquez or Daphne Du Maurier to write a diary; express yourself with your resources, words, have discussions with yourself, insult who you want… The most important thing is that you use words to ease your feelings when you feel sad.

5. Cry when you need it

sad crying

Crying is a natural and necessary act to release tension and emotion.

Sometimes you need to cry, and crying is good for you. Sadness needs a mechanism to release emotions, and sometimes it is not enough to go for a walk or chat with your best friend. Tears should be released to vent emotions and reduce tension. It is healthy and very necessary.

6. Look in the mirror and ask yourself what is wrong

reflection in water

Let’s do a recognition exercise. Is the person you see in the mirror you? No, it is not the same attractive and positive person. Sadness steals your vitality, and we are absolutely certain that you do not want to see yourself in this way.

Ask yourself why you are feeling sad and what you can do to feel better, to give yourself hope and to heal your sorrows. Ask the person you see in the mirror what you should do today to be able to smile again.

7. Find someone who knows how to listen to you

love and hug

Not everyone knows how to listen. You probably have a friend or relative who, instead of supporting you, always prefers to talk about themselves without even asking how you are doing. Seek the support of the people who listen to you with concern and sincerity.

You will understand how to share your feelings, and you will feel relieved when the negative feelings slowly disappear. Always seek support and help.

8. Be kind to yourself

trip by the sea

Why not? Sad days need little joys to get rid of the sorrows. If you focus only on worries, the problems will only get bigger and bigger. It is best to relax a bit. Why not go to the cinema? Or attend a yoga class? How about a walk in the park or a walk in the museum?

Sometimes the simplest things can work miracles, such as coming home and putting on your favorite song. It will not solve your problems, but it will give you a calm and better feeling when you see things from other perspectives.

Do not hesitate to use these simple tips when you feel sad.

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