Natural Treatments For Neck And Back Pain

Do you want to treat back and neck pain in a natural way? You should start with exercise routines and new daily habits. Learn how in this article!
Natural treatments for neck and back pain

Computers, tablets and smartphones… they are constantly present in our lives. Thanks to them, we create and maintain relationships as well as inform ourselves. However, handling them can cause neck and back pain.

Of course, the solution is not to stop using these devices. Instead, we need to include exercises and activities that reduce the side effects resulting from the continuous use of the devices in our daily routines.

Nevertheless, before we recommend useful exercises for these problems, we think it is important that you know why these areas hurt.

Muscular contractures trigger neck and back pain

Neck and back pain

Muscular contractures are injuries that occur when our muscles tense too much over time. When this happens, we get so-called “knots”. This is the result of the muscle’s inability to return to a relaxed state. The muscular contracture is intensified in relation to the muscle strength. Therefore, the weaker the muscle, the more pain you will feel.

Because the neck and back are not used to grip or hold things, they are very sensitive areas. For the same reason, we tend not to care so much about these. It is only when we know symptoms that we remember that they exist.

Therefore, it is important to do exercises to reduce tension and strengthen your muscles. You also need to make some changes in your life to eliminate stress. If not, your muscles will always be tense.

Exercises that will help treat neck and back pain naturally

Before starting these tasks, be sure to sit in the correct position. It is recommended that you adopt the lotus position, but if you cannot, make sure that your back is very straight.

Then it’s time to practice breathing. It is very important to do this, because your body depends on it to be thoroughly oxygenated. Ideally, you should breathe slowly. When inhaling, fill your stomach and empty it as you exhale. This way you will achieve a state of relaxation that will eliminate tension.

1. Turn your head left and right

  • Begin to turn to each side, but keep the neck centered.
  • Do not forget that physical exercise should take place gradually. Otherwise, the risk of lesions will increase significantly.
  • Repeat the exercise five times on each side.

2. Bend your head back

Do this gently, with your back straight and your neck centered.

  • First, bend your head back. Then bend your head towards your chest.
  • Perform the movement five times.
  • Do not agitate yourself, as we are not searching for intensity here.

3. Lean your head from side to side

Woman performs exercise for neck and back pain

This is about making sure your ears are parallel to your arms. If you bend too much, you may feel a feeling of cramping or stretching a muscle.

  • Make subtle movements and rest for a few seconds with your neck centered.
  • Again, repeat five times.

4. Rotate your head to relieve back pain

Now it’s time to make a complete circle, starting in the original position. If the spine or neck is bent, there will be a damaging pressure on the spine.

  • Start rotating from the right and make sure your chin is pointing towards your chest when you have completed a rotation.
  • Complete five rotations and start again, this time from the left side.

5. Stretch the spine

  • Rotate your face to the right and lower your chin slightly without pushing.
  • Then take one hand to the top of the head and gently press down. Make sure your arms are relaxed.
  • Hold the position for ten seconds.
  • Do the same on the left.

6. Enjoy your free time


Finally, we would like to remind you that neck and back pain also tend to be stress-related. Therefore, it is important that you try to dedicate free time to yourself, in addition to these exercises.

Make a list of activities you enjoy the most, and incorporate them as much as you can into your daily life.

There are people who only allow themselves to have fun when the obligations are fulfilled. But then one can easily disappear into a spiral of duties that never ends. For this reason, it is important to plan time for fun and relaxation. This strategy will allow you to commit to yourself.

Good health is the combination of both good physical and mental condition. The moment one of the two areas is behind, the other follows. Why not take time for a little more fun and relaxation?

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