Four Solutions To Get Rid Of Mold In Your Bathroom

If there is mold in your bathroom, try ventilating the room and use the following preparations to get rid of it.
Four solutions to get rid of mold in your bathroom

Unfortunately, having mold in your bathroom is a common problem due to the humidity in this environment. In addition, it is amplified when there is little or no ventilation. If this is the case in your bathroom, you need to learn some techniques to get rid of it.

In addition to providing ventilation, be sure to repair any leaks and identify other sources of moisture that may be there. Such situations provide the perfect environment for mold to grow in just a few days.

Finally, do not forget to place good thermal insulation and to have optimal lighting on site. Natural light is the best. In addition , you should consider installing a fan or a dehumidifier.

That said, let’s take a look at some ways you can get rid of mold in your bathroom.

Five tips for eradicating mold in your bathroom

Even if you take many of these things into account, the potential for mold growth is high. Some types of mold are very toxic and harmful to our health.

This is why you should take immediate action to remove it. Keep reading for our simple and quick tricks on how to get rid of mold in your bathroom.

1. Mixture of vinegar and borax

Mold in your bathroom can be harmful to your health


  • 2 tbsp borax
  • 60 ml of vinegar
  • 5 dl water


  • First, mix all the ingredients together in a spray bottle and apply the mixture to the jug.
  • Then, while wearing gloves and a mask to protect your airways, remove the jug with the thick side of a sponge. Rinse it while holding on.
  • Then spray the mixture over the stain again.
  • Finally, ventilate the area and wait for the stain to dry. From here you can consider the most appropriate treatment to prevent recurrent mold, and in addition you can cover the treated area with paint.

2. Vinegar to remove mold in your bathroom

Another great way to get rid of mold in your bathroom is by using only vinegar, which is a powerful ally when it comes to cleaning. Preferably choose clear vinegar.


  • Fill a spray bottle to apply vinegar to the jug.
  • Then follow the same procedure as in the previous tip.

Important: Vinegar should never be mixed with bleach as the chemical reaction produces highly toxic gases.

3. Tetre oil

This is one of the most powerful natural disinfectants out there. With a simple preparation that includes this ingredient, you can eliminate mold in your bathroom naturally and quickly.


  • 2 tbsp tetre oil
  • 5 dl water
Washing of mold


  • Fill a spray bottle with the tea tree oil mixture and follow the same procedure as above.
  • The mold will start to disappear in just a few minutes. When it is gone, the wall will be ready for a new coat of paint.

4. Hydrogen peroxide to overcome mold in your bathroom

Although this is not as potent as the previous solutions, hydrogen peroxide also has an antibacterial effect that can work to your advantage. In addition, it is also a very convenient way to remove minor stains.


  • Fill a spray bottle with hydrogen peroxide and spray directly on the jug.
  • Let it sit for approx. 15 minutes.
  • Finally, scrub with a brush to remove the mold residue. Repeat the application as many times as you need.

As you can see, mold is a respectable enemy, but it is not invincible. All you need are the right weapons!

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