How Can You Stay In Shape After 50?

When you reach a certain age, it can be harder to stay in shape, but it’s just about attitude and finding an activity that gives you joy and makes you move.
How can one stay in shape after 50?

Both men and women should maintain healthy habits throughout life if they want to stay in shape after 50, 60, 70 or even 80.

However, after 50 and after menopause or andropause, it is important to stay in shape to prevent common health problems that appear at this stage of life.

Below we give you tips on how to stay in shape if you are over 50 years old.

Being 50 does not mean you are old!

Previously, a person who had already started a family and was close to retirement age was considered “old”. Fortunately, things have changed. Today, your 50s are the best time to start new routines and change certain habits.

Medical knowledge has come a long way, too. Some time ago, it was thought that it was risky for women to exercise after menopause. Now we know how good physical activity is for all ages. Physical activity in this part of life can work to counteract the ravages of time.

We recommend choosing exercise that you enjoy and that you do it with people of the same age. That way, you train not only with your body, but also your head. In addition, we recommend doing fun activities in the fresh air and try an hour or a course to keep your mind in shape and strengthen your memory and understanding.

How can one stay in shape after 50?

Whether you have been training all your life, or if you have never set foot in a gym, it is important to get into a workout routine. Keeping fit after 50 is not an impossible task. Before you begin, consider the following tips:

1. Decide what your goals are

Older couple cycling together

Why do you want to train? Maybe you want to lose weight. Maybe you want to improve your balance or strengthen certain parts of your body. Or maybe you just want to be healthy. It may also be that you want to clear your mind a little, remove stress or meet new people . Keeping your goal clear will keep you focused on days you do not want to leave the house.

2. Find the right activity

This means finding one that fits with your age, physical shape, abilities and experience. It may be difficult, but you can do it. Try them all until you find the right one. You realize that you have found it when you do not miss a single hour.

3. Put it into your plans

Couples go for a walk

Then decide how much time you want to set aside each day or week for exercise. Combine your errands with physical activity, and you do not have to give up anything. Have your calendar or schedule organized if you have many other commitments.

4. Think of exercise as pleasure

Keeping fit is a long-term thing. If you miss a day or two, it’s not the end of the world. Do not bother yourself if one day you do not feel it, you are sick or it is raining and you do not want to leave the house. Take that time and spend it with your family, take a nap or watch a movie.

5. Change your diet

Woman looking at healthy and unhealthy foods

Do not forget that a woman’s metabolism slows down after menopause. Thus, if you eat as you used to, you will gain weight.

See a nutritionist to come up with a diet that suits your age and needs. In addition, add more fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains to your daily diet.

Exercises to stay in shape after 50

Then we recommend starting slowly and easily, especially if you do not exercise much (or have never done so).

These exercises can be good if you are over 50:

1. Walking

  • This is the basic exercise and it is advisable for all ages. The best part is that you can do it anytime, anywhere.
  • It is better to do it outside, but you can always use the treadmill in the gym when it is cold or rainy outside.
  • You can take advantage of the time to go for a walk with your family or your pet as well.
  • Overall, one hour a day is the recommended time. Wear comfortable shoes and walk at your own pace.

2. Dancing

Mature couple dancing

Life without music is not life. In addition, dancing is so good for your health. Staying fit after 50 can be the most fun thing in the world if you turn it into music. You do not even have to go out… dance in your living room! It is an excellent way to improve your coordination, while increasing your self-esteem and oxygenating your blood.

3. Do yoga

This old exercise is very good for keeping fit after 50.

Just to name a few, it:

  • Tone your muscles
  • Make yourself more flexible
  • Improves your balance
  • Feels like emotional therapy

You can do it as fast or slow as you want, while also connecting to your inner self.

4. Swimming


Swimming is another activity you can do after menopause and andropause, as it keeps you in shape without stressing your body unnecessarily. You will exercise without realizing it due to the effect of the water.

If you can not swim, now is a great time to take a few hours. In addition, you can also enjoy activities done at the shallow end of the pool (such as water aerobics). Since most pools are indoor, they are also available in the winter.

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