Four Tips For Talking To Your Teen

During adolescence, children go through many hormonal, social, physical and mental changes that will affect their personalities. This makes communication with them difficult.
Four tips for talking to your teen

Talking to your teen is not easy. In general, parents have trouble talking to their children at that age, simply because they “speak different languages.” However, it is  important to be as patient as possible.

When your child has a problem, you should be there to support her, but also let her solve it herself. Her ability to reason must be put into practice. Analyze the problem together, and let your child find the solution and take responsibility for the consequences.

Tips for talking to your teen

Growing up, we go through physical, mental, hormonal and social changes. One consequence of this is that talking to your teenager can be very complex. These changes will make them want to talk to their friends more because they are the same age, but this often leads to them getting the wrong advice.

So here are some tips you can use to talk to your teen.

1. Be reasonable and determined

Teenagers know how to persuade their parents to get what they want.

It is true that when parents give in to their children’s wishes, it can solve the problem temporarily. But what do you really teach them by doing this?

Life does not give in when you ask for things, and neither should you. Be determined.

mother and daughter happy

You still have to be reasonable and let your child explain why he broke the rules. For example, suggest that they ask for your permission if they want to come home at the agreed time. And, if you agree and behave reasonably, they will not behave badly or keep praying.

To reinforce this rule, we recommend that you  gather the whole family to discuss the rules. This especially applies to the rule for when the children should be at home. Consider all the factors before making a decision. This shows the teen that the parents are willing to compromise if they do not break the rules.

2. Be determined

Being determined as a parent is a great help, as you will have the opportunity to defend your rights and express your opinions  without offending your children or letting them offend you. In this way you will be able to get to a point where both sides are happy with the result.


By maintaining a certain attitude with your child, you will increase the chances of getting the results you want. That way, your  teen will feel calmer and more secure because she knows her parent is listening to her and telling her that her opinions and feelings count.

Set a good example when talking to them

There are no rules, instructions or secrets for talking to teenagers. To do that you need to  have a good dose of patience, understanding and you need to set an example in the words you use. The best way to do this is to be an exemplary model when you need to talk to your child about a topic that concerns you.


Children at this age mature in all areas of life, and are constantly struggling to become independent. They prefer to spend more time with friends, which puts the family in the background.

Therefore, it is important that parents put pressure on to involve the children in the family’s regulations. Whether it’s about a trip, buying something new, changing schools, talking about moving, etc.,  it is important to get your opinion, so that you can all choose the best option together.

4. Choose the best possible place and time

If you think your child has behavioral problems, it is important that you choose a time and place where you can talk quietly with them. It should be a place you can not be interrupted. If you are both relaxed, especially the child, you can start a specific conversation with them.

mother and daughter

Start the discussion by describing the problem in a simple but specific way. It’s about expressing how you felt about their behavior, without directly judging their personality. Just correct the behavior. It must be clear that what bothered you was the behavior, not the personality.

Correcting their first mistake is very important. Do not let this behavior continue. This way you can avoid punishing them and your child will not defend themselves and will understand that she should not do it again.

Finally, we know that it is not easy to talk to your teenager, and it is often difficult to avoid an argument. If your child becomes restless and begins to raise his voice, it is important that you remain calm. You must have the opportunity to assure her that everything is going well, and you can tell her that once she has calmed down, you can continue talking.

Remember that adults are the ones who have to set the example.

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