Dietary Habits To Improve The Health Of Your Thyroid Gland

Did you know that in order to take care of your thyroid, you need to reduce the consumption of processed foods and instead eat more organic and natural products?
Dietary habits to improve the health of your thyroid gland

Are you worried about your thyroid health? You have probably already realized that dietary habits are one of the most important points in regulating its function.

If you still were not aware of  what you should and should not consume, keep reading and we will tell you about it today.

Why is it so important to take care of your thyroid health?

The thyroid gland is located in the throat, near the trachea. The main function is to  produce hormones.

When there is an imbalance in the thyroid gland, you may develop hyperthyroidism  (high metabolism) or hypothyroidism  (low metabolism). It depends on whether your thyroid is working too well or too poorly.

Habits that will improve your thyroid health

Woman checks the thyroid gland at the doctor

Maintaining good thyroid health should not be too complicated if you have a healthy and balanced diet. The problem today is that eating natural foods is much more difficult with the availability of processed alternatives.

However, there are certain foods that you should always include.

Here we want to list some of them:

1. Add an iodine supplement to your diet

Iodine is an important element for the body, especially when it comes to the development of hormones.

This is why an iodine deficiency during pregnancy can lead to mental development problems in the baby.

Throughout your life, you need to include iodine in your diet  so that your thyroid gland continues to function properly. Usually your doctor will prescribe an iodine supplement.

If you have not started taking it, it is a good reminder that this is sometimes the best option.

Eat cranberries every week


Cranberries are  one of the best fruits available in nature. They are low in fat, sodium and cholesterol. They also have lots of iodine (1/2 cup contains 400 jg iodine), fiber, antioxidants and vitamins C and K.

A good alternative is to use cranberry juice in smoothies. This will give a better taste to the vegetables that you may not like so much.

A simple recipe is as follows:


  • 1 cup baby spinach (60 g)
  • 1 cup cranberry juice (250 ml)
  • 5 nuts
  • 1 isbit


  • Mix all the ingredients together in a blender and  drink the smoothie immediately.

3. Add potatoes to your diet

This root vegetable originates in America and  provides 60 jg of iodine per serving. To really get the benefits, however, you need to make sure that you cook it properly.

Try the following options:

  • Low fat: It is best to  eat baked potatoes instead of fried or deep fried. To give them a little more flavor, use a little salt, but in moderation.
  • Combine the potatoes with other vegetables  to add fiber and make you feel fuller.

Do not overdo it:  Since potatoes are high in carbohydrates, you should eat a maximum of one medium-sized potato a day.

One thing you should  avoid is large quantities of prepared potatoes. These contain high levels of trans fat, salt and other preservatives that can adversely affect the health of your thyroid gland.

4. Eat as naturally as possible

Fresh fruit

Be honest: How many frozen, canned or processed products do you eat in a day? Take a look in your closet and you may be surprised to find that most of what you find in there fits one of these three criteria.

Thyroid health has a lot to do with hormones. Therefore,  it is important to keep the body as free as possible from foods that may alter them. This includes chemicals, sweeteners, preservatives and more.

Ideally, you should eat fresh and seasonal products.

We suggest you try a small test for a few months. You will notice that it is not that complicated.

All you need to do is:

  • Replace canned cereal with natural. In most stores you will find natural versions of oats, wheat, amaranth and quinoa. The advantage of these is that they can also be cheaper.
  • Eat fruits and vegetables that are in season. Since they are healthy and ready to be consumed, they are  less likely to have been previously frozen, which can affect the nutrient content (depending on when they were frozen).
  • If you can, try starting your own home garden.
  • Make food you like at home. Yogurt and soft drinks are two good examples of products that are easy to prepare at home. And you can replace soda with tea or flavored water that you make yourself.
  • Prepare your own snacks to kill the craving for hunger  between meals. From homemade ice cream to seeds, you will always have the opportunity to satisfy your cravings without  worrying about chemicals that can alter the health of your thyroid gland.

What do you think? Are you already following these tips? If not, maybe it’s time to start. Remember that you can easily regulate your thyroid health by making the right changes.

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