A Jelly That Stops Bleeding In Just 10 Seconds

The jelly consists of small pieces, almost like small Lego bricks, and when applied to a wound, it can rebuild the existing extracellular matrix. The gel can also be beneficial when applied to the skin and other parts of the body.
A jelly that stops bleeding in just 10 seconds

Joe Landolina, a 17-year-old entrepreneur, had just started at New York University when he discovered something that could potentially save thousands of lives worldwide. Landolina, who stated that he was very interested in tissue building (also known as “regenerative medicine”) made a jelly that stops bleeding in just 10 seconds, both internally and externally, without applying pressure.

The product, called VetiGel, started as a project at the beginning of Joe’s first semester at university. The idea won a competition held by New York University, and the prize was so much money that Landolina and Isaac Miller (his companion) could start their business, Suneris Inc .

Today, Joe Landolina is ready for the chair of his own company. With a master’s degree in web construction and a company that provides work for 10 employees. Everything is ready to implement the project that can be the key to saving lives in the health care system and in emergency rooms around the world.

The jelly has already been tested by veterinarians and as of today there are approx. 1600 more veterinarians waiting to test the gel and then be able to give a critical analysis.

What is VetiGel made of?

The jelly invented by Joe Landolina is made from something that has a vegetable-like origin called extracellular matrix (ECM). It is a network of proteins and sugars found around cells that can vary from one organ to another. The jelly consists of small pieces, almost like small Lego bricks. And when applied to a wound, it can rebuild the existing extracellular matrix. The gel can also be beneficial when applied to the skin and other parts of the body.

VetiGel “makes an exact copy of what is next”. In other words, it will immediately adapt to the characteristics of that part of the body. In addition, the following is said (according to Landolina): “Depending on how the gel is applied, the body will start the healing process”.


VetiGel will first be tested by veterinarians who will show how effectively this gel stops bleeding in just a few seconds. Once the testing is completed, the product will be used in the US military. Which will give a final approval before it is launched on the market for surgical use.

Landolina states that he is optimistic and believes that VetiGel will be approved for the market by the end of next year at the latest. This product will be a life-saving remedy in emergency rooms and operating theaters worldwide.

How does VetiGel work?

VetiGel Stops Bleeding During Grade 4 Vascular Surgery With this powerful gel, surgeons can stop bleeding in less than a minute, which will be the key to a successful operation.

Since VetiGel has the important property that stops bleeding in just seconds. Has this technology also has other important characteristics when it comes to treating burns, wounds and other. Studies of its properties are ongoing, and Suneris also continues with various studies related to health properties.

Although the product has not yet been approved for sale, the results shown so far are very promising and especially the product’s ability to stop bleeding. Vetigel will be profiled in many health campaigns, and it is also hoped that the product will be useful for veterinarians. The creators of the product have not yet commented on the price or conditions, but in any case it is an important medical discovery that could possibly be the key to saving many lives in the future.

Cayenne pepper stops bleeding

cayenne pepper

In addition to the gel we have mentioned above, there are also natural alternatives that one can use at home to stop bleeding. One of them, and perhaps the most effective, is red pepper or cayenne pepper. This spice has many health properties and has been used by Americans as a medicine since the dawn of time.

The use of cayenne pepper is very simple, since you only need to sprinkle a little directly on the bleeding wound. Then wait for 15-20 seconds before the bleeding stops. It is important to remember that pepper should only be used on small cuts or wounds.

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