The Most Common Myths About Antibiotics

These common myths about antibiotics contribute to abuse. The problem is that their continuous abuse generates bacterial resistance followed by the risk this entails. Learn more in this article!
The most common myths about antibiotics

The myths about antibiotics have led to a crisis in the therapeutic area for the treatment of bacterial diseases. These drugs are in great demand, and the myths surrounding them only encourage people to misuse them.

The reason for this is that these microorganisms have been able to develop resistance mechanisms that hinder the effectiveness of antibiotics. As a consequence , researchers have needed to develop new antibiotics with different mechanisms of action.

However, these treatment options are limited, and we may reach a point where certain diseases become untreated if we do not change the way we use antibiotics. For this reason , it is important to be informed about these medications and not believe in all the urban myths out there.

Medications are dangerous chemical substances and people should not take them without a good reason. Therefore, medical or pharmaceutical advice is vital when taking antibiotics.

The most common myths about antibiotics

1. Antibiotics can cure anything

As we said above, many people associate the word antibiotic with a magic medicine that can cure absolutely anything. This is of course not true. Antibacterial drugs, as the name implies, are medicines used against bacteria.

When you go to the doctor with a bacterial infection and they prescribe an antibiotic, you tend to get better within a day or two. Therefore , people believe that they are effective against all diseases. What probably happened is that the doctor prescribed an antibiotic because it was a bacterium to eradicate.

A person who holds various antibiotics

2. You should buy expensive antibiotics, not the cheap ones

This is another myth about antibiotics that has become widespread among the population. We tend to associate “expensive” with “best quality”, and this is rarely the case. As you can see, it is important to be aware of the concepts of generic and commercial drugs. Furthermore, the only difference between them is a fancy brand name.

Both substances contain the same chemical substance and the same amount. There are some rigorous studies to insure this. As you can see, some antibiotics are more expensive just because companies spend a lot of money marketing the brand.

This is the same as buying the same pizza in two different types of packaging. One is expensive because the manufacturer’s name is on it, and the other is cheap because it has no brand name. The pizza is basically the same, but during a different commercial presentation.

3. Antibiotic resistance is not a problem for healthy people

Anyone, at any age, can contract a bacterial infection that is resistant to antibiotic treatment. Bacteria that have already developed a resistance mechanism can infect anyone, and the treatment that was effective against it in the past no longer has any effect.

For this reason , it is important not to use too much of this type of medication in order not to “warn” the bacteria and make them adapt to the effect. The goal of medical prescriptions is to control the use of these medications.

A woman working in a pharmacy
Antibiotics require a prescription due to the side effects.

4. The most well-known myths about antibiotics: Use what you already have at home

There are many different types of antibiotics. Each of them has a number of indications and guidelines for administration. Be aware that not everyone is suitable for all types of infections.

Each person also responds differently to this type of treatment. For this reason, you should never use old medicines. The medicines you intend to reuse may be in poor condition and may have lost their effectiveness.

Therefore, do not use them unless your doctor confirms it. They should also determine the amount and duration of treatment.


Finally, do not believe everything you hear and read. It is important to know how this type of medication works and always contact your healthcare provider if in doubt. As you can imagine, only a doctor or pharmacist can advise you on the use of antibiotics.

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