Causes Of Tinnitus And Alternative Treatments

If you are exposed to very loud or high frequency sounds on a regular basis, it is a good idea to wear noise-canceling headphones to prevent the development of tinnitus.
Causes of tinnitus and alternative treatments

Wheezing in the ears can be an unpleasant problem for everyone, and it can occur at any time.  When it becomes a frequent or chronic problem, it can lead to a more serious hearing disorder, such as tinnitus  (tinnitus). We will look at possible causes of tinnitus, and what treatments are available.

The problem is characterized by hearing a constant beeping sound that hits one or both ears. This is usually due to the fact that the inner ear is filled with fluid and that it sends a sound to the auditory nerve. The condition can also be associated with hearing loss.

This is why it is very important to be able to distinguish between the occasional beeping sound in the ears, which is caused by a nearby sound, and the chronic presence of tinnitus, which may indicate that there is a much larger hearing problem.

What are the symptoms of tinnitus?

You may have tinnitus if you experience the following symptoms:

  • Piping
  • Constant noise
  • Beeps
  • Whistling sounds in one or both ears

What are the possible causes of tinnitus?

Tinnitus is not considered a disease in itself, but it does occur as a symptom of major hearing problems. The truth is that when looking for causes of tinnitus, it can be a problem anywhere in the ears, or in other areas related to hearing.

Usually, there is no specific cause that can be diagnosed, but what is certain is that tinnitus can have a negative impact on the health of your hearing. In more severe cases, it may require immediate medical attention.

There is also a secondary form of tinnitus that has a specific cause. It does not cause hearing loss, but produces the constant hum. All cases of tinnitus are usually associated with a weakening of the hearing system, because it is very sensitive.

Among many causes of tinnitus we find:

  • Accumulation of wax in the outer ear
  • Loose hair in the ear canal that touches the eardrum
  • An infection of the middle ear or hardening of small bones in this area
  • Exposure to loud noises
  • The presence of a foreign body inside the ear
  • Blow to the ear
  • Changes in blood pressure
  • Use of certain medications
  • Whether you have heart disease or obesity
  • Tumors
  • A cracked eardrum

How can you treat tinnitus naturally?

Loud noises can lead to tinnitus

Although you need to see a doctor to be properly diagnosed and find possible causes for your tinnitus, there are some healthy and natural ways to reduce the symptoms.

Check your obesity and cholesterol levels

Patients who are able to lose 10% of their body weight and improve their cholesterol levels are significantly more likely to reduce the symptoms of tinnitus.

Start with a healthy diet

Ideally, you should improve your overall nutrition by following a diet rich in vegetables, vitamins, minerals, proteins and antioxidants, while limiting your intake of fats and sugars.

3. Avoid loud noises

People who are exposed to constantly loud noises or annoying noise, for whatever reason, have an increased risk of developing tinnitus and hearing loss. It is important to try to avoid this type of exposure.  One should use some form of hearing protection to reduce the negative consequences of loud noises to the ears.

4. Do not take aspirin or similar products


The high content of acetylsalicylic acid in aspirin can actually worsen the symptoms. 

5. Get exercise

Exercising every day will improve your overall blood circulation and prevent the occurrence of tinnitus.

6. Drink plenty of water

Staying hydrated is important for the health of your entire body, including your ears. Dehydration is one of the many causes of tinnitus, and is also associated with recurrence of wheezing in the ears.

7. Check your blood pressure

Tinnitus can be caused by high blood pressure

Most people already know that suffering from high blood pressure increases the risk of stroke and heart disease. What few people think of is that it is also associated with hearing loss and the occurrence of tinnitus.

8. Start with relaxation techniques

Relaxation techniques are not cures in themselves, but they are recommended to control the anxiety and depression that can occur when tinnitus is a chronic problem.

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