Home Treatments For Hair Loss

It is perfectly normal to lose hair. Although all shed, however, it may not be to the same degree as we all have different ways of taking care of our hair.
Home treatments for hair loss

An average person may lose around 100 strands of hair every day, which is perfectly normal. However, some people lose too much hair, which can lead to thin, flat hair as time goes on. Therefore, we give you some suggestions for home treatments for hair loss.

Your hair can become noticeably thinner in a short time if it falls out in large quantities when you brush it or when it comes in contact with the pillow.

Not surprisingly, hair loss is a worrying problem because it can make your hair start to look dull and lifeless. Furthermore, in more severe cases, only spots may begin to appear or become more noticeable.

Clearing is a natural part of the hair growth process. Hair is formed, grows, absorbs nutrients and at some point falls out to make room for a new strand of hair.

Fortunately, there are many ways to keep the situation under control. Not only do our home treatments for hair loss prevent hair loss from falling out, but they strengthen it and promote growth as well.

What causes hair loss?

Treatments for hair loss

Hair falls out when the roots and hairs are weakened. The following are potential causes:

  • Malnutrition: A poor diet will always adversely affect your health. Your hair is no exception. Nutritional deficiencies weaken the hair strands, thus causing hair loss.
  • Hormonal factors: Hormonal changes affect so much. You may notice changes in your mood or body due to high estrogen levels.
  • Thyroid disease: This is also a hormonal factor. Both hyper- and hypothyroidism are caused by low or high levels of hormones.

These factors lead to changes in your body, including hair loss.

Other factors that can also cause it:

  • scalp infections
  • anemia
  • excessive use of straighteners and the like
  • sudden temperature changes

In addition to the aforementioned causes, many people lose large amounts of hair due to a chronic illness or aggressive medical treatments.

Fortunately, there are treatments for hair loss – and you probably have the ingredients lying around your house already. Check them out below.

Home treatments for hair loss: hair masks

Using natural hair masks regularly can help reduce hair loss. These masks include ingredients that are rich in nutrients and that will help against brittle, dry hair.

By using these masks with other treatments, you will be able to keep your hair moist and protected from curling irons, straighteners or other hair extensions.

Onion juice

Onion juice

Thanks to the high sulfur content, onion juice helps to improve blood circulation in the hair follicles, regenerating them and reducing inflammation. In addition, onion juice is antibacterial and thus excellent for any infections of the scalp, which can cause hair loss.


  • 2 onions

Preparation and application

  • Squeeze the juice out of the onion by first grating it and then straining it.
  • Then apply the juice directly to the scalp.
  • Let it work for 30 minutes.
  • Then wash your hair thoroughly to eliminate the smell of onions.

If you prefer, you can mix the juice with aloe vera to enhance the effect.


  • 3 tablespoons onion juice (45 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons aloe vera gel (30 g)

Preparation and application

  • Combine ingredients and apply the mixture. Cover the entire scalp.
  • Let it work for 30 minutes and then wash it off.

Home treatments for hair loss: beets

In addition to being very nutritious, beets are good for strong hair. This root vegetable can stop hair loss and encourage healthy hair growth.

Beets contain proteins, minerals (potassium, phosphate, calcium) and vitamins B and C, which are essential for healthy, strong hair. In addition to including beetroot juice in your diet, you can use it as a topical treatment. Below we show you exactly how to do it.


  • 3 cups beetroot leaves (90 g)
  • Water (enough to make a cream)

Preparation and application

  • To use beetroot in your hair, cook some beetroot leaves in a saucepan for 10 minutes.
  • Then blend them with a little water until a cream forms.
  • Apply the mixture all over the scalp and let it work for 20 minutes.
  • Wash off with plenty of water.
  • Keep in mind that this treatment can change the color of your hair, making it a wonderful natural hair color for gray hair.

Egg whites

Separate egg yolk and whites

Eggs are high in protein, making them perfect for people with alopecia. It is also a perfect ingredient to make your hair shiny and softer. The albumin content of the egg whites helps to strengthen weak hair follicles and hair strands.


  • 4 egg whites

Preparation and application

  • Whisk four egg whites and massage them into your scalp in a circular motion.
  • Let it work for half an hour and then wash off.
  • To complete the treatment, wash your hair as normal.

Home treatments for hair loss: nettles

Nettle leaves are powerful in home treatments for hair loss. You can find cream with nettles in health food stores.

  • Just massage the cream into the scalp before going to bed, using circular motions. Let it work all night and wash it out in the morning.

When it comes to home treatments for hair loss, natural alternatives give amazing results – and the best thing about them is that they will never endanger your health.

Another great thing is that you can either ingest them or apply them locally. When you do both, you get even better results, since you not only nourish your hair, but your whole body.

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