Discover 6 Habits That Cause Inflammation In The Stomach

An inflammation of the stomach can be the result of a special intolerance or buildup of gas. Should it become persistent, you should consult a specialist
Discover 6 habits that cause inflammation in the stomach

Many people believe that the only triggering factor for an bloated stomach is a buildup of fat caused by having a poor diet or not getting enough exercise. While it is true that localized fat can be one of the biggest problems, there are other factors that cause inflammation in your stomach.

Excessive salt intake, for example, causes fluid to accumulate in tissues. Which increases the body’s natural inflammatory response. Something similar can happen when you have certain food intolerances. Which causes indigestion and other problems in the digestive tract. As a result, you may see and feel heavier than normal, and it can be very uncomfortable.

This is why it is important to know what habits can trigger an inflammation in the stomach. As well as learn how to prevent it from happening again.

Find out more!

Intake of dairy products

dairy products

Intake of milk and dairy products is one of the most common causes of inflammation in the stomach. This is due to an intolerance to lactose, a natural sugar that ferments in the colon if the body does not produce enzymes that would normally digest it. Poor levels of absorption lead to flatulence, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and even problems with constipation.

How do you solve this?

  • To prevent inflammation of the stomach from eating dairy products. Is the best thing to do to replace them with healthy alternatives, such as vegetable milk.
  • You can also choose vegetables that are rich in calcium to get the necessary daily intake of this mineral.

Eating too fast can cause inflammation in the stomach

Eating too fast or not chewing the food properly can lead to indigestion by introducing too much air to the stomach. Although you may not notice it while eating, you are eating air if you try to eat fast, and this tends to lead to a swollen stomach.

How do you solve this?

  • Set aside a certain amount of time, at least 20 minutes, for each meal during the day. It is important that you give yourself enough time to eat slowly and chew your food well.
  • Avoid distractions during meals so that you do not end up swallowing the food until you have chewed it thoroughly.

Intake of too much salt


Excessive sodium intake is one of the main causes of fluid retention, high blood pressure, and general inflammation of body tissues. Although you can not deny that salt gives excellent taste to dishes, too much of it in the body can have harmful side effects and lead to serious disorders.

As consumers, it is important to remember that our salt intake is not just limited to what we add to our food – it is already present in processed foods as well.

How do you solve this?

  • Replace refined salt with sea salt or Himalayan salt.
  • You can also choose healthy alternative spices such as oregano, pepper and thyme, among others.
  • Remember to check the labels on the products you buy to keep track of how much sodium you are consuming.

Chewing gum

If you chew gum every day, this may be why you have trouble achieving a flat stomach. When you chew gum, air enters the body, which can increase swelling in the stomach.

How do you solve this?

  • If you chew gum to relieve stress or anxiety, try making snacks with fruits and vegetables to replace it.

5. Drinking carbonated beverages


Major advertising campaigns have led the public to believe that soft drinks and carbonated drinks are a great way to quench your thirst on a hot day. However, health experts claim that these are not the best option. This is because they do not contain any important nutrients, and they are also produced with artificial substances that can be harmful to your health.

Their high content of sugar, in addition to carbonation and artificial sweeteners, can trigger reactions in the digestive tract and increase inflammation in the stomach. This means that the sparkling feeling you like so much is really what causes some of the swelling and heaviness you feel in your stomach.

How do you solve this?

  • Instead of spending money on these drinks, try making natural fruit juices, teas and flavored water at home.
  • Remember that to stay hydrated, you need to drink two liters of water a day.

6. Skipping meals or eating too little

Skipping meals or reducing your portion sizes to below what is recommended is not the way to save calories or lose weight. Although people have long believed that there was a good chance of weight loss, it has been shown that this can lead to relapse and other problems.

Eating less than five times a day makes it difficult for the body to digest food. You will also be hungrier and notice an increased accumulation of fat in your stomach.

How do you solve this?

  • Enjoy moderate portions as main meals and plan a menu that includes five meals a day.

If the inflammation in your stomach persists after trying the above tips, you should consult a doctor to find out what is causing it.


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