Maintaining Your Voice In Old Age

Hormones play an important role in the voice changes that occur in old age. Learn more about this process and how to take care of your voice as you age in this article.
To maintain your voice in old age

You may have noticed that your voice does not sound like it used to now that you have reached old age. Presbyphony is the name of this change. It refers to the natural changes that occur in the larynx as part of the aging process. The larynx and vocal cords can vibrate more or less depending on the composition of each person, but also their age. Over time, they lose their elasticity and collagen fibers.

Your vocal imprint

Each person has their own voice, which identifies them and makes them unique. For this reason, we must take care of it. What is called the vocal imprint is determined by the shape of the superior larynx, which is different for each person. For this reason, the resonance of voices is also different, even in old age.

5 changes you may notice in your voice in old age

As you get older, your voice may take on a whole different character. Although many adults retain their youthful voice in old age, some common changes can be noticed:

  • It sounds thinner. The sound of the voice is less resonant. The vocal cords in the larynx become thinner and less flexible. This is because they suffer from muscle loss over time and do not vibrate as before.
  • Your voice sounds rougher. Your voice requires effective vibration to make the sound clear. Therefore, anything that interferes with the closure of the strings and is harmful to the larynx will lead to a rough and hoarse voice.
  • It sounds weaker. Aging also affects the projection and volume of the voice. People with altered airways may also notice that their voice is lower.
  • It’s a change in tone. Changes in tone can also be due to atrophy of the muscles of the vocal cords, and in women it may be due in part to hormonal changes.
  • There is more vocal exhaustion. If your voice begins strong but fades throughout the day, vocal exhaustion may be the culprit. Like any fatigue, voice fatigue is related to use.

10 tips to take care of your voice in old age

Prevention is the best way to avoid problems with your voice and to take care of it. Here are some tips to take care of your voice and prevent pathologies that can affect your voice organs:

  1. Do not force your voice and do not scream.
  2. Avoid very noisy places and do not try to talk about noise when you are around it.
  3. Do not smoke or be in a smoky environment that irritates the larynx.
  4. Try not to clean your throat.
  5. If you often have a cold, allergy or cough, you should consult a specialist for proper treatment.
  6. If you suffer from hoarseness or aphonia and it lasts more than 10 days, you can go to a specialist.
  7. Hydrate yourself properly. You should drink at least 6-8 glasses of water a day. In this way, the mucous membrane covering the vocal cords is properly hydrated.
  8. Get adequate rest. Body fatigue is reflected in your voice, especially if you need your voice at work.
  9. Whenever possible, try not to talk for more than four hours in a row or sing for more than two, as this will damage the vocal cords.
  10. Limit the consumption of alcohol and caffeine, as they dehydrate the vocal folds. Also, try to maintain a balanced diet and avoid spicy foods and dairy products that can affect your voice.


Changes in the voice in old age have not yet been studied well enough for a complete prevention strategy to be developed. However, practicing good hygiene and following the advice we have given you will help you keep your voice in top shape as you get older.

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