Losing Friends Can Hurt As Much As A Breakup

Bands of friendship can be even stronger than bonds of love, and sometimes losing friends gives even greater grief than a breakup.
Losing friends can hurt as much as breaking up

Throughout your life you will lose friends and you will make new ones. The same goes for romantic partners. There are endings, but also new beginnings that are just as wonderful and happy.

Something you probably also know is that there are different types of friendships. Your heart can establish an intimate and powerful bond with a particular person, to the point that they become a mainstay of your daily life.

This can be even more relevant when it comes to women. According to a study published in the journal Epidemiology and Community Health.  Has family relationships more impact on life and health for men. While in women, the support of their friends will greatly enhance their physical and emotional well-being.

This is why losing friends due to an argument or problem can in many cases have the same effect as the end of a romantic relationship.

Let’s talk a little more about this.

A friendship, a treasure, a daily support system

You will be happy to hear that friendship is not just something that is unique to people. According to a study published in Time Magazine , researchers have found that chimpanzees, baboons, horses, hyenas, elephants and dolphins also have some “best friends”.

The impact of friendship on a person’s emotional world is enormous. You also know that not all friendships are created equal. And most likely you can count your real friends on the fingers of one hand.

This is why you may have experienced the following different dimensions of friendship.

Friends help provide care for your health

According to a study conducted at the University of Virginia , when the bond of friendship between two people is real and mutual. Can they begin to experience the same feelings.

  • The power of empathy is so strong that it can even be detected by medical tests, such as an MRI scan.
  • If you see that someone is in danger and your friend is also aware of the situation, you will react in the same way.
  • The areas of the brain that are associated with fear and threat are activated equally in both of the two who are friends.
  • A friendship is a form of daily reinforcement, an outlet where you can find relief, advice and comfort. You are able to let go of your problems, relieve stress and tension, and relax, making the world a little more worry-free place.
  • If you think about the many benefits of a “true” friendship, you also understand the tremendous effect it can have when that person, for whatever reason, deviates from your life.
four friends

Losing friends can feel like a breakup

Having to cut this strong bond of friendship or turn away from that person is usually something that happens for several reasons.

  • Sudden changes of interests, betrayals, lies, deceptions, arguments… there are many reasons that can cause you to lose a friend. But the subsequent consequences are something that you both will experience alike.
  • Losing friends will force you to go through the same painful struggle that you do when you break up with a partner.
  • You are going through a period of anger and denial. Where you do not fully understand how it all really happened.
  • After that, you enter the phase of questions, where you try to find reasons why the friendship ended.
  • Gradually you enter the mourning phase, which is followed by acceptance.

For many, it is almost impossible to compare losing friends with a breakup. But many have the intense emotional attachment we described above, which makes it intensely difficult.


Life after losing friends

You know that friends come and go, that they take a part of you with them, and also that they help you grow.

  • Losing friends who really had a special place in your heart will leave an open wound that will stay there forever.
  • Whenever possible, keep the good memories you had together. If you focus solely on what tore you apart, the bitterness will only grow. And you will also be more restrained when it comes to starting new friendships.
  • Life teaches you many lessons, and you must learn to accept them. No matter what has happened to you, never close your heart to love. Or the opportunity to find new and wonderful friends.

Friendship is the best medicine you can find.

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