You Can Fight Anemia Naturally By Eating These 7 Foods

Did you know that eggs not only improve the symptoms of anemia, but also strengthen the hair and nails? Try eating them with orange juice to better absorb the nutrients.
You can fight anemia naturally by eating these 7 foods

Anemia is a condition produced by lowered hemoglobin in the blood. It is almost always due to an iron deficiency or lack of nutrients such as folic acid or vitamin B12. It is one of the most common nutrition-related health problems that exist, and while it is seen in all kinds of people, children and women are the most affected. You can fight anemia naturally by eating certain foods.

It comes with difficulties with cell oxygenation, while interfering with the function of many vital organs.

As a result, the affected person is chronically exhausted, and in severe cases one can develop conditions such as , get infections, and even suffer from memory loss.

The good news is that it is a problem that can be handled naturally. All that is needed is to eat better and take care of nutrition.

So therefore we will now tell you about 7 amazing foods that help fight anemia.

Spinach helps fight anemia

Spinach to fight anemia

This plant is low in calories and rich in essential nutrients. Spinach deserves one of the first places on our list of foods to fight anemia.

It contains vitamin A and B complex, both of which are needed to strengthen the immune system and fight fatigue.

The content of iron, zinc and calcium in spinach promotes the production of hemoglobin and helps to restore circulation and thus improve the oxygen content of the tissue.

  • The ideal is to eat at least 1/2 cup of spinach (75 g) to get 20% of your iron needs.

2. Oats

In addition to being a source of iron, oats also contain vitamins and antioxidants that are central in treating this condition.

The high amount of nutrients in oats helps oxygen and nutrients to be better transported throughout the body, and prevents physical and mental valleys.

  • Eat 2 or 3 tablespoons of oats (20 to 30 g) a day until your anemia has improved.

3. Eggs

Eggs to fight anemia

Regular consumption of eggs is a habit to get into to keep your body energetic.

They contain essential amino acids and minerals that work together to help produce hemoglobin and antibodies.

Their nutritional profile helps with chronic anemia while also controlling symptoms such as brittle hair and nails.

  • Add eggs to your regular diet, preferably for breakfast.
  • Eat them with orange juice so that their nutrients will be absorbed more efficiently.

4. Lenses

Lentils are one of the best legumes we have for anyone who wants to fight anemia.

Their iron content helps with the production of red blood cells and any circulatory problems.

They contain proteins and antioxidants that help protect cells from breakdowns caused by nutritional deficiencies.

  • Eat up to 3 servings of lentils per week.

5. Wholemeal bread

Wholemeal bread to fight anemia

Whole grains are a good choice if you want to fight fatigue and weakness caused by anemia.

Carbohydrates are a source of fuel for tissues and cells, which helps maintain your physical and mental performance.

Whole grains also contain a small amount of iron. Combined with other foods, you recover faster from this condition.

  • Include whole grains in your breakfast, along with lean meats, avocados or fruit.

6. Liver

Treatment plans for people with anemia often include a diet with beef liver.

This type of meat is an important source of easily absorbed iron and is therefore one of the best nutritional responses to anemia.

  • Eat live at least twice a week.

7. Pomegranate

Pomegranate to fight anemia

While pomegranates do not contain high levels of iron, you can improve your symptoms of anemia by adding them to your diet.

They contain fiber, potassium and other essential minerals which, together with counteracting nutrient deficiencies, improve circulation and the process of cell oxygenation.

Consuming them in moderation increases your energy levels  and helps keep hemoglobin production in balance.

  • Eat a pomegranate a day, or enjoy it as a juice.

Have you been diagnosed with anemia? In addition to following your doctor’s advice, you should increase your consumption of these foods to fight anemia.

That said, remember to keep them in moderation.

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