How To Make And Use Natural Cleaning Products

Have you ever wondered how your grandmother cleaned the house in the past, since one did not have the wide range of cleaning products we have today? The answer is very simple: With homemade or natural products.
How to make and use natural cleaning products

Have you ever wondered how your grandmother cleaned the house in the past, since one did not have the wide range of cleaning products we have today? The answer is very simple: With homemade or natural products. This does not mean that they are less effective, but rather the opposite. In the following article, you can learn how to make your own homemade cleaning products.

Organic for general cleaning

This is a homemade soap for several uses. In other words, you can use it to clean different surfaces. From carpets and floors, to kitchen counters and bathrooms. You will need these ingredients:

  • 30% alcohol for cleaning
  • 20% vinegar
  • 50% distilled water
  • 20 drops of essential lemon oil

The measurements depend on the container you use. The good thing is that you can make a lot of this and take care of it in a bottle or in a glass and thus be able to use this detergent for a long time to come. Take some of it in a bucket of water and clean as usual.


Homemade cleaning products for tiles or porcelain

Natural cleaning products also have several uses, but first and foremost, this will be your ally in the bathroom. This agent is used to clean tiles and furnishings (such as the bath and sink). It can also make your porcelain items and silverware shiny.

Just mix lemon juice and water. Dampen a sponge or cloth in the liquid and clean the desired surfaces. If the dirt has been there for a while, let the liquid work for a while or scrub a little harder. Then clean with warm water.

You can also clean the bathroom with vinegar after washing with lemon and water. Let this work through the night and rinse with warm water the next morning.

Also read:
Tips for removing mineral deposits in the bathroom

Oven cleaning products

There is nothing more difficult than cleaning the oven for grease, especially if you do it infrequently, because then layers upon layers of grease will stick and it will take a long time to remove it completely. To stop using traditional oven cleaners that are overly toxic (containing petroleum derivatives, potassium hydroxide and methylene chloride), and to protect the skin, eyes and respiratory tract, go for a more natural alternative.

The first thing you should do is soak a cloth in as hot water as you can, and wash the whole oven. Then make a thick paste of water and baking soda and apply on the surface. Let it work overnight. You only need to wipe with some water the next day.


Natural dishwashing liquid

This recipe is great for those who have a dishwasher at home because it cleans glasses, plates and cutlery with a delicious scent of lemon. This remedy is also more economical than those you can buy in the store. You need:

  • 3 lemons
  • 200 grams of coarse salt
  • 100 ml white vinegar
  • 200 ml of water
  • 30 ml brightener (optional)

Wash and divide the lemons with the peel on and put them in a fast mixer together with the salt. Then add vinegar, water and rinse aid (if desired) and mix at high speed. Put it in a saucepan and cook on medium heat for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon. Be careful not to get stuck in the bottom of the pan. Then keep the mixture in a container and let it cool. While it cools, stir a little in the mixture so that no snark forms on top. Store in a tight container in the refrigerator. Use this as a detergent, two tablespoons per wash.


Organic detergent with ash bleach

Detergent, or ash bleach, is easy to make and you can use leftovers from the fireplace. You can only use ash from wood or paper. The harder the type of wood, the better the quality of the bleach. Remember to wear gloves and goggles if you have very sensitive skin. Avoid contact with the skin when making the detergent.

Sift the ashes to strain large pieces. The whiter and more charred the ash is, the better detergent you will get. Mix in a container 5 parts hot water and 1 part ash. Cover with a cloth and leave for 1 or 2 days. Stir occasionally. Then strain the liquid through a cloth or nylon tights.


This becomes an effective detergent. If you drop a potato or an egg in the liquid and it floats, it means that the liquid is finished. If it sinks, you should add more ash. You can use this as a liquid detergent and can dilute with water when you use it. Store in tightly closed bottles.

This bleach is intended for textiles and any utensil that needs sterilization, such as clothing or colander. Many people use this to disinfect vegetables, roots, legumes, or to disinfect the worktop in the kitchen or bathroom.

Homemade and natural air freshener

To remove bad odors in the home without using sprays or chemical products that can be harmful to health, you can use this air freshener without hesitation. You need a glass bottle with a metal cap. Fill 1/4 of the bottle with baking soda and add 8 drops of essential oil. Put on the lid and mix the ingredients well. Make a hole in the lid with a nail. Put the bottle where you want, and when the scent is gone, repeat the process.


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