Why Will The Baby Always Be In My Arms?

Many mothers wonder why the baby wants to be in her arms all the time. This article addresses the need to bond with your child in order to meet their needs.
Why will the baby always be in my arms?

My baby will always be in my arms, from the first breath. New mothers notice it. Some are delighted and others surprised.

But why is it happening?

At birth, the baby does not know who the mother is. Still, from the first breath, instinct tells what it takes to survive. Linea alba, which crosses the mother’s womb, tells them the way to the mother’s breast, where they are nourished.

Infants spend nine months in the mother’s womb and at birth they are still immature and are completely dependent on the mother to survive. Attachment is the way to guarantee the baby’s well – being, from birth to maturity. Love is a vital force of life.

My baby will always be in my arms

A mother’s instinct is to take good care of the baby and spend as much time with it as possible.

Instead of supporting our little one, we often allow opinions to influence us.

Unfortunately, many people say that we do not have to pick up the baby every time he cries.

a baby who likes to be in the arms of the mother

Many people say that if you pick up the baby every time it cries, it will learn to manipulate you. Or what will happen to their future independence?

In that case, it means that the child understands manipulation or independence. A baby is a mammal, and therefore depends on having a mother nearby to survive and grow.

Love is the best form of stimuli that creates emotional bonds between you the child, an aid in its development. Your child always wants to be in your arms because tenderness is a basic need, as much as food and hygiene.

An infant needs to tie a knot

A baby needs to be close to the mother and always wants to be in her arms, at least for the first nine months of life. This helps the baby to adapt to life outside the womb. This is the only way to guarantee that ties are tied.

The child understands motherly love through closeness and physical contact. The baby’s tears do not always come from being hungry, needing a new diaper or being tired. The baby always wants to be in the arms of the mother because the most important way to feel the mother’s love is through the skin.

baby with his mother

It is also a child’s instinct to be close to the mother and therefore all infants want to be in the arms of the mother.

At the same time, the baby activates instincts for protection and closeness in the mother, because nature has also given the mother instincts.

Unfortunately, there are many who still insist that the child must sleep in a room alone, adhere to a strict plan for meals, or that they do not need comfort when they cry.

We do not think that it was inside the womb for nine months and slept close to our heart. They were fed all the time through the umbilical cord and we were always there.

Lack of physical contact

In the 1940s, the Austrian psychoanalyst Dr. Rene Spitz conducted a study that concluded that a large number of infants died as a result of lack of love. It compared children who were isolated in infant beds at the hospital, with infants who were cared for by their own mothers in prison.

The children who were taken care of by the mother grew faster and had better health. On the other hand, children who were isolated grew up with mental and mental injuries. The sad thing is that 87% of the children who grew up in orphanages and who were not hugged and cared for by their mothers did not survive.

This study by Dr. Spitz was heavily criticized and questioned for decades. But in 2007, the journal Science  published a dissertation from Romania to prove that the theory was valid.

a baby in some adults

They took into account all the clinical tests that were done with references to the Austrian study. The result was the same. Love is the foundation of a child’s development and well-being.

Babies who grew up in Romanian orphanages and who could not then be close to their mother had more problems growing and surviving than children who grew up with their parents.

Love is natural

A mother’s natural instinct is: “just as the child wants to be in my arms, I want to have the child with me.” In other words, a mother keeps the baby close to her because it is natural.

It is true that you can not raise children to be addicted. They are not able to decide for themselves what they want to do with their lives. Still, it is difficult for us to wait for them to go through each phase of maturity at their own pace. We live in a world that is still changing. Whether you like it or not, we also make the children grow up faster.

The nine months we bond, prepare the child for his independence. Still, independence does not begin until the age of two. It goes through different stages of independence in childhood and adolescence that ends 15 to 18 years later.

Holding the child in your arms is the best way to express love for the child.

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