7 Anti-aging Secrets From The Himalayas

Did you know that pomegranate juice can be better for your health than green tea? It is rich in antioxidants and also has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.
7 anti-aging secrets from the Himalayas

You have probably already heard about the extraordinary abilities of people living in the Himalayas. Many of them are 100 years old and are in good health, both physically and mentally. Life expectancy in these countries like Tibet, Bhutan, Nepal and India is absolutely incredible. This is acquired by some strict habits that these people follow every day. Want to find out the anti-aging secrets of the Himalayas ? Then do not miss today’s article!

Natural “anti-aging” products from the Himalayas

How is it that men and women from the Himalayas live until they are more than a hundred years old? Where do they find this “youth source”? How can they prevent disease and pain? There are many different questions we can ask, but the answer is the same for everyone: they trust the benefits of mother nature. If you take into account that they live in a part of the world where there are more mountains and plains than buildings and smog, you have everything you need to understand their secret.

There are many natural products in the Himalayas that have been used to promote good health and longevity among those who live there. The people here use them every day and they make a big difference.

The anti-aging secrets of the Himalayas

Deep sleep with ashwagandha

This is an Asian herb that people from Tibet have used for centuries. It makes you sleep better and it treats insomnia. Getting enough rest is essential to keep your body and brain young. One study showed that taking 100 mg of ashwagandha before bedtime was very effective in helping patients who had difficulty falling asleep. It is also used to release cortisol and reduce stress.

Heal the heart with pomegranate

Pomegranate is very beneficial for your health, but most of all for the heart. Modern science has shown that pomegranate, which grows wild in the Himalayas, contains specific substances that are good for the heart. Pure pomegranate juice is three times better for you than, for example, green tea. Just 60 grams of pomegranate a day is enough to significantly improve heart health.


Add 20 years to your life with goji berries

Goji berries are one of the most important secrets behind the fact that people from the Himalayas live 20 years longer than the rest of us. This miracle berry contains a lot of iron and vitamin C, which helps the body absorb iron. Goji berries, according to the ORAC scale, also have the highest content of antioxidants of all the world’s foods. Drink pure goji juice or eat some berries every day.

Cures anxiety and find peace with sandalwood

Thanks to its spicy and distinct aroma, sandalwood has been used for centuries to reduce stress, relieve anxiety and treat depression. Some people have even applied their “third eye” (in the middle of the forehead) essential oil of sandalwood when going into deep meditation. Sandalwood oil or a paste made from sandalwood powder and water, has a calming effect on body and soul. The scent can calm the nerves, relieve stress and put you in a better mood.


Calm your stomach with cardamom

If you often struggle with an upset stomach, bloating or flatulence, or if you just want to calm down the digestive tract and improve digestion on a general basis, then you should try this powerful herb and spice: cardamom. This herb that is widely used in Asian cuisine can: stimulate the appetite, protect the stomach, stop diarrhea, cramps and flatulence, prevent bad breath, stimulate the body, prevent colon cancer and it also relieves pain effectively. Sprinkle a teaspoon of ground cardamom over your tea or coffee and drink this ten minutes before each meal.

Leather with sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn is one of the latest discoveries in modern medicine when it comes to aging, especially with the idea of ​​reversing the signs of aging on the skin. The plant is native to Nepal and has bright red or orange fruits that can stimulate cell renewal and protect the skin from harmful ultraviolet rays.

Sea buckthorn contains cell-repairing antioxidants such as omega 7, which is well known for its skin rejuvenating effect. To get glowing skin, you should try using a moisturizer that has sea buckthorn as the main ingredient. Sea buckthorn oil is also used to prevent and reduce the formation of stretch marks.

Heal your skin with neem leaves

People from the Himalayas bathe in warm water and use nematodes to heal wounds and rashes. The oil from the leaves of the neem tree has been used in Asia for over 2000 years. In addition to having septic properties, the nameplates also have healing properties and are used in the treatment of diabetes and gout, as well as to reduce the symptoms of malaria, pneumonia, gout and osteoarthritis. They also have a calming effect on the nervous system and make the muscles relax.

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