Vitamin-rich Smoothie For Better Vision And Metabolism

The special combination of ingredients in this smoothie will help prevent macular degeneration and cataracts, while also helping to heal possible eye damage. It is also great for metabolism. Try it!
Vitamin-rich smoothie for better vision and metabolism

Nutrition plays a very important role in eye health. Believe it or not: vitamins, minerals and antioxidants have a direct effect on eye function and provide better vision.

We are constantly exposed to factors that affect our vision and that can cause various eye diseases. Therefore, it is important to make sure that you eat plenty of foods that will protect your eyes.

Recently, some natural smoothies have become popular. This is because their combination of ingredients provides your body with lots of nutrients that regenerate ocular tissue and prevent premature breakdown. At the same time, they also give the metabolism a boost. This makes them ideal for people who are trying to lose a few pounds without resorting to strict or dangerous diets.

Now that many people are trying to add this type of food to their diet, we would like to share a vitamin-packed recipe you can enjoy several times a week.


A smoothie for better eyesight and a faster metabolism

This natural, vitamin-packed smoothie is a healthy recipe that provides better vision and metabolism.

It comes from a combination of organic calories such as:

  • Aloe vera gel
  • Walnuts
  • Honey
  • Lemon juice

These ingredients are very nutritious. Together they contain a significant amount of vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and other compounds that will protect and give you better eyesight.

Let’s take a look at what each of these ingredients can do for your health.

The benefits of aloe vera jelly

Vitamin-rich smoothie for better vision and metabolism

Aloe vera jelly has long been used as a basis for many different natural remedies.

First of all, it contains substances called biogenic stimulators. These increase the production of white blood cells and encourage phagocytosis. In addition, they also stimulate living tissue and stimulate healing. This makes aloe vera a great help in treating conditions such as cataracts and a weakened cornea.

The benefits of walnuts

Rich in essential fatty acids and antioxidants, walnuts are highly recommended to support eye health. Moderate intake encourages the elimination of toxins, while improving circulation and lowering cholesterol levels.

This, together with their ability to stop harmful oxidation, makes them a good choice to prevent vision problems. In addition , they support metabolic functions, as they help control glucose and excessive accumulation of lipids.

Vitamin-rich smoothie for better vision and metabolism

The benefits of honey

Honey is antimicrobial and hyperosmotic. It is also useful in treating corneal edema.  The antibiotic and therapeutic powers of honey make it very useful for your eyes, as these help prevent infection and chronic disease.

In addition, it has been proven that honey provides better vision, in the same way as some conventional treatments from the pharmacy. As if that were not enough, the high content of natural sugar gives your body an energy boost. This encourages fat and calorie burning.

The benefits of lemon juice

Consumption of lemon juice provides many benefits for the immune system, eye health and metabolism. First of all, it is one of the best sources of vitamin C. This is a powerful antioxidant that is associated with the prevention of cataracts and macular degeneration.

In addition, it also contains natural acids and oils that protect the eye tissue from infectious substances.

How do I make this vitamin-packed smoothie?

Vitamin-rich smoothie for better vision and metabolism

This delicious, nutritional smoothie is an easy way to protect your eyes, while satisfying your hunger and preventing metabolic disorders.

If you include it in your diet, it will help prevent disease, improve productivity and strengthen the immune system.

Here’s how:


  • 6 1/2 tbsp aloe vera gel (100 g)
  • 1/2 cup chopped walnuts (50 g)
  • 1 tablespoon honey (25 g)
  • The juice of 2 lemons


  • Wash the aloe vera leaves well and remove the gel with a spoon.
  • Then put the jelly in a saucepan of water and let it boil for 10 minutes.
  • Then put the mixture in the refrigerator for 12 hours.
  • Later, after the recommended time, you have this in a blender along with the other ingredients and mix until well blended and creamy.
  • Enjoy the smoothie half an hour before lunch or dinner.

Enjoy this nutritious smoothie as part of your diet and you will see how much it will do for your health.

You’ll love it!

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