Proper Diet For A Tight Body

To achieve balance and a healthy and tight body, it is important to have a healthy and balanced diet. Physical activity also plays an important role.

There are foods that can help us increase muscle mass and achieve a tight body in a healthy way. Physical activity is just as important as a healthy diet.

In this article, we will give you suggestions to improve your daily diet, with foods that will help achieve a slim and lean body, also for vegetarians and vegans. So keep reading if you are interested in getting advice on diet for a tight body!


The first thing that should be emphasized when it comes to muscle is how important proteins are. You need to know how to choose what is best for you. Proteins help us lose weight and reduce waist size.

  • Red meat : Contains proteins that increase muscle mass the most. Should be eaten in moderation because it can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. Once a week will be enough.
  • White meat : A good alternative if we only want to tighten up the body and not focus on increasing muscle mass.
  • Fish : Both oily fish and white fish contain a lot of protein, although white fish contain much less fat.
  • Eggs : Egg whites contain the most protein while the yolk contains more fat. For example, we can prepare omelettes with two egg whites and one plum.
  • Milk and dairy products : We recommend low-fat dairy products such as cottage cheese that can be combined with a little honey or olive oil.
  • Legumes (beans) : The source of vegetable protein. It is economical and healthy. If you do not eat them because they cause gas, we recommend cooking them with a little cumin and kombu seaweed. Combined with, for example, brown rice, you will get complete proteins.
  • Nuts : The healthiest option. Eaten raw or baked, but unsalted and not fried. We can also find nuts in the form of vegetable drinks or cold cuts. But make sure they do not contain much added sugar, salt or hardened fat.
  • Mushrooms : Vegetable proteins healthy. Can be included in salad, roast, rice, pasta etc.
  • Algae (seaweed):  Spirulina or klamath that can be eaten daily.
Omelette can be made in many varieties


Fat is important for our body. If you want less fat on the body, you should reduce your intake of saturated fat and choose healthy fats such as:

  • Vegetable oils : olives, coconut, sesame seeds, flax seeds, evening primrose oil, wheat germ etc.
  • Nuts  such as macadamia nuts, hazelnuts, peanuts or almonds.
  • Fat fish
  • Egg
  • Avocado, an excellent fruit that contains a lot of good fats
  • Seeds: Sesame, sunflower, pumpkin, flaxseed etc.
Pumpkin seeds are nutritious


The carbohydrates that help you get a lean body are found in the following foods:

  • Fresh seasonal fruit
  • Cooked or raw vegetables in salads, smoothies or juices
  • Whole grains: rice, quinoa, wheat
  • Total flour: not too much!
  • Starch: potato, banana
Brown rice is a good alternative in a healthy diet

Recommended supplements

We recommend considering taking some natural supplements that have the ability to strengthen and tighten the muscles:

  • Magnesium
  • Collagen
  • Brewer’s yeast
  • Spirulina or Klamathalger
  • Wheatgrass

Menu suggestions for a tight body

Using the foods we have recommended, we can offer the following menu suggestions:

  • Breakfast : Toast with cottage cheese, honey and seeds
  • Snack : A handful of nuts and a fruit
  • Lunch: Chicken with sautéed vegetables
  • Snack: Yogurt with nuts
  • Dinner: Vegetable soup and an omelette

Below you will find lacto-ovo vegetarian alternatives:

  • Breakfast : Yoghurt smoothies with banana and walnuts
  • Snack : Wholemeal pancakes with fresh cheese
  • Lunch : Whole flour with mushroom cream and parmesan
  • Snack : Wholemeal toast with unsalted peanut butter
  • Dinner : Quinoa with vegetables and an omelette

Finally, an option for vegans (without animal protein):

  • Breakfast : Wholemeal sandwich with tomato and avocado. In addition, spirulina algae
  • Snack : a handful of nuts and a vegetable drink
  • Lunch : Salad with lentils, brown rice and mushrooms
  • Snack : A handful of nuts
  • Dinner : Creamy pea soup with algae, sprouts and wholemeal pancakes.

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