Tips For A Better Short-term Memory

You can improve your short-term memory by using certain habits and exercises. Sleeping well, eating balanced food, using all your senses and playing mental games can all improve your ability to remember.
Tips for a better short-term memory

Do you feel that you should have a better short-term memory? Do you often forget what you wanted to say? Do you forget why you went to the kitchen or what you needed to buy at the grocery store? Have you ever missed important dates or activities?

Your brain may be saturated with information and rebel. The good news is that you can get better short-term memory with some habits and exercises. We will give you some tips in this article.

Tips for a better short-term memory

There are two types of memory: short-term and long-term memory. The first is used to store immediate information. An example might be the name of someone we have met recently. Our short-term memory is limited.

In the meantime, we use long-term memory for jobs that require more concentration or effort, such as an exam or something we do daily.

For a more efficient short-term memory, note the following tips:

1. Pay attention

Woman with bicycle and PC in the park

First of all, you should focus on only one thing at a time. In recent years, the multitasking philosophy, which suggests that we can do a thousand things at once, has become quite popular. However, that is not true.

Although we may be able to catch up on one task in the middle of another, or even take advantage of an opportunity to complete another, we are not able to pay attention to two or more things at a time.

Why not? There will always be one activity that “steals” your focus, and you can not do a good job of completing any of these activities. Our brain works better when we focus on only what is right in front of it.

2. Have fun with mental games

We can stimulate our short-term memory in countless ways. Your brain can respond to stimuli and exercise in the same way that your muscles do.

Since your thoughts can create new paths, it is essential to give them material so that they can build the rails that connect all your thoughts.

How can you do this?

By playing memory games, puzzles and other similar types of games.

Use all your senses

Girl uses all her senses

You do not just create memories with what you see with your eyes. You certainly carry around a memory of a scent from your childhood, like your grandmother’s freshly baked bread, or a song that your mother sang to you when you were scared. You can benefit from all your senses  as an adult too!

If you have trouble remembering people’s names, repeat them several times aloud. By doing this, you help your ear remember them; If you want to remember a recipe for a dish, consciously taste the flavors using your palate.

4. Mnemoteknikk

This technique involves linking words, pictures or sentences to get a better short-term memory.

Rhythms can also be a great help. For example, if you want to remember which months have 30 days, there is a mnemotechnics rule for it: “Thirty days have September, April, June and November…”

You can also create your own rules using personal information that is easy to remember, such as the initials of family members or people who are important to you. Use the combinations that are easiest for you to repeat.

5. Segments and organize

Woman plans and organizes

When you need to remember an 8-digit phone number, it is easy to forget it if you try to remember everything at once. But when you divide it into two parts or into three parts with two or three numbers, it becomes easier to remember the phone number for later. Repeat the sequence several times until it hangs in your mind.

Another technique that can really help you is segmentation. When you were in school, you probably had to make idea maps or underline the main ideas in a text. Do the same with all the information you need to remember!

Concrete information and pictures help our thoughts a lot.

6. Eat better

It is without a doubt a relationship between your daily diet and your brain activity.

A diet full of omega-3 fatty acids (found in foods such as salmon, walnuts and avocados) and vegetable proteins (fruits and vegetables) prevents premature aging and mental or cognitive diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

7. Sleep well

Woman sleeps well

Have you noticed that it is harder to remember something when the day finally comes? Or that you can not remember anything simple if you have only slept for 3 or 4 hours? This happens because your brain needs to rest to recharge, just as any other muscle requires.

You should follow a healthy sleep routine: sleep between 7 and 9 hours. Go to bed and get up at the same time every day. In addition, when you can, take a little nap in the afternoon. Do not watch TV in bed and avoid eating too much for dinner, as it can make you drowsy.

8. Training

Having a workout routine can be helpful if you want to have a better short-term memory.

By exercising, your body pumps oxygen, and this “clean air” can also reach your mind. When that happens, you’re even better able to remember all the information you might receive during the day. You can do cardio (cycling, treadmill, running, etc.) to strengthen your cerebral functions.

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