10 Foods That Fight Depression

Although these foods are very helpful in improving your mood, if you are undergoing treatment to fight depression, do not stop taking it or substitute it with it.
10 foods that fight depression

Some foods contain vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that have beneficial properties for your health. In fact, you  can prevent and treat some disorders by including some of the types that fight depression in your diet.

You can even fight depression in the most natural way. In this article, we will share  10 types of foods that help improve your mood quickly.

Foods that fight depression naturally

Depression is a complex disorder  that is difficult to treat naturally since it affects the nervous system and can cause various symptoms in the body.

People who suffer from this live with negativity and hopelessness, which makes most treatments difficult because they tend to be negative to all cures.

Sadness, apathy and low self-esteem are often what characterize this mental imbalance.

In any case, fighting depression is naturally possible. We can include foods in our diet that contain nutrients that improve the function of the nervous system.

Thus, this food helps to promote processes that increase the sensation of well-being and happiness.

1. Cocoa


Cocoa is a food that has been used as medicine for many centuries, and in many cultures the cocoa bean is considered sacred. It has many good health properties.

Among these, we find that it fights depression thanks to the content of phenethylamine and tryptophan. These substances improve mood and increase the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that causes the feeling of happiness.

  • We must not confuse cocoa with chocolate. Chocolate is rich in sugar and unhealthy fats and the cocoa percentage tends to be low.

2. Oranges

Citrus fruits have anti-depressant properties, both when we eat them or use them as a fragrance.

Using essential oils of lemon, orange, mandarin or grapefruit often gives us a feeling of happiness, which makes us want to use it on our skin often.

  • Oranges are one of the best fruits for increasing vitality and optimism.
  • Nevertheless, we recommend that you  eat them in the morning,  because in the evening they can give you trouble sleeping.

3. Green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables are rich in magnesium, an essential mineral that balances the nervous system and fights depression and anxiety.

  • To take advantage of their properties, we should  eat the leaves raw, in salads, juices or green smoothies. 

4. Avocado


Avocados are considered a superfood.

This fruit contains a complete set of nutrients that  are the best choice for treating any disorder, including depression.

  • Despite being rich in fat, it also contains a lot of protein and fiber. So you do not have to worry about eating avocado.

5. Walnuts

Walnuts are excellent for improving mood thanks to their high content of minerals such as magnesium and essential fatty acids.

  • A handful of walnuts a day is enough to  keep your nervous system in balance, and will also do good for the health of your heart.

6. Flaxseed

Flaxseed, which you can consume as an oil or as a seed, is a very nutritious food, rich in omega-3 fatty acids. This type of fat is essential for people who need to  achieve emotional balance and improve their overall health.

  • If you go for flaxseed oil,  make sure it is cold pressed  so that all its properties have been preserved.

7. Eggs


Eggs are a very complete food that we can eat every day.

  • They are  rich in vitamin B12,  a nutrient that is also present in sardines and milk replacers.
  • Low levels of vitamin B, especially B12, are related to depression.

8. Black beans

In some countries, black beans are the basis of the diet, which is an excellent habit to fight depression.

  • This food is rich in thiamine or vitamin B1, which gives the brain cells energy and promotes cognitive function. This has positive consequences when it comes to fighting depression.

9. Watercress

The folates found in watercress help to slow down cognitive deterioration and naturally prevent depressive states.

  • You can add it to salads or as a garnish to any dish.

10. Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds

Like black beans, sunflower seeds are  rich in B vitamins, such as thiamine. Because of this, you can eat them every day, raw or toasted.

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