8 Foods That Will Improve Your Kidney Health

A proper diet is important to keep the kidneys in perfect condition and to avoid the development of certain complications that can cause damage to the rest of the body. Learn about foods that can help your kidney health in this article!
8 foods that will improve your kidney health

Good kidney health is just as important as the proper functioning of the circulatory system. But how can we improve our kidney health?

Although we tend to ignore it, our kidneys are organs that work day and night to filter our blood and remove a large amount of waste that the body does not need through urination.

It is estimated that the kidneys process around 190 liters of blood to eliminate 2 liters of water and keep blood pressure at a stable level.

In addition, their functions are necessary to regulate the body’s inflammatory processes and the segregation of some hormones.

The problem is that, just like in other systems, there can be a disruption in their duties due to excess toxins and fluids that accumulate in the body.

As a result, they begin to work more slowly, and over time , negative reactions are generated that can reduce the quality of life.

Because of this, it is important to improve your regular habits, adopt a healthy diet and drink more fluids.

Below we recommend 8 foods that due to their properties are ideal for protecting the kidneys.

Find out what they are!

Kale to improve your kidney health

Kale to improve kidney health

Kale is a highly recommended food that protects the kidneys damaged by free radicals and toxins.

It is a food that is rich in phytochemicals and natural fiber which, when absorbed, protects the cells and tissues in the body.

Its vitamins and minerals help reduce the risk of kidney failure. Eventually it strengthens the immune system which reduces the risk of infection.

2. Berries

Regular consumption of fresh berries provides the body with significant amounts of vitamins A and C. Both are necessary to support kidney function.

Their diuretic components support the elimination of fluids from the body, and they also reduce inflammation.

They contain natural fiber and antioxidants that create a protective barrier against damage caused by toxins.

They also act as a tonic for the bladder, as they help eliminate problems such as cystitis and urinary tract infections.

Garlic to improve your kidney health


Eating raw garlic regularly helps reduce the risk of kidney function and urinary tract infections.

This food contains antioxidants and has antibacterial properties that help  remove accumulated toxins and microorganisms from the kidneys.

At the same time, garlic acts as an anti-inflammatory and natural diuretic, making it ideal for restoring proper kidney function and getting rid of heavy metals.

4. Apples

Apples have diuretic and detoxifying properties that support the cleansing of the kidneys.

Their high level of diuretic fiber, in addition to their antioxidants, strengthens kidney health and reduces the risk of developing kidney stones and infections.

They contain natural acids and essential minerals that help regulate pH levels and prevent excess inflammation and fluid retention.

5. Eggplant to improve your kidney health


Including eggplant in your diet regularly can help keep your kidneys healthy, and over time support cardiovascular health.

This food is also a good source of vitamins A and C, and minerals such as potassium. These help cleanse the kidneys and prevent the development of chronic health problems.

Its diuretic properties increase the production of urine and help with cleansing of the bladder and urinary tract.

In addition, thanks to the powerful antioxidants this fruit contains, it is ideal for eliminating oxidative stress and conditions caused by free radicals.


This plant is a great source of vitamin C and folate (folic acid), which is needed both to strengthen the kidneys and to prevent infections.

Its antioxidants help neutralize the toxic effects of waste in the body, and since they eliminate inflammation, the risk of deficiency and cancer is reduced .

As if that were not enough, the nutrients promote blood circulation. This is necessary to keep the kidneys clean and free of harmful substances.

7. Olive oil to improve your kidney health

Olive oil

The essential fatty acids found in olive oil are not only ideal for regulating cholesterol levels, but also reducing oxidation and promoting good kidney function.

The high content of antioxidants in this oil protects the cells from the negative effects of free radicals. Thanks to this, the risk of cancer and inflammatory conditions is reduced.

8. Egg whites

Egg whites are a food with a high energy value. Due to their essential amino acids, they are ideal for stimulating kidney function.

These nutrients help synthesize vitamins and minerals so that they can support the kidneys and the immune system, reducing the risk of infections.

Are you worried about your kidney health? Increase the consumption of the above foods and include them in a balanced diet, low in fat.

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