7 Tips To Ensure Good Baby Nutrition In The Summer

In the summer, it is very important to ensure good baby nutrition. Remember that temperatures are high during this time of year, which requires fluid intake and healthy meals. What should you keep in mind?
7 tips to ensure good baby nutrition in the summer

All parents feel a special concern about what their children eat. After all, diet plays an important role in health. Now that summer is here, many people therefore feel the need to ensure good baby nutrition, but do not know how to do it.

Fortunately, having more free time and being able to buy fresh and healthy products makes this task easier. What should you keep in mind? In this article we will give you 7 tips that you can practice at this time of year.

1. Introduce new fruit

One of the best things about summer is the large selection of fresh fruits that you can find on the market. Most are refreshing, sweet and water-rich, which is perfect for the little ones.

Therefore, this is a great time to give it to them more often. Some children can be quite reluctant when it comes to food. Fortunately, there is a wide variety of recipes and dishes you can make with them to make it easier to incorporate it into your child’s diet.

For example, cold soups like watermelon, gazpacho or melon cream are quite popular in the summer. There are also other healthy and delicious options, such as salads with mango, pineapple, apple, among other fruits.

Fruit salad is a great way to ensure good baby nutrition

2. Vegetable purees and salads, a great alternative to ensure good baby nutrition

Light, fresh recipes are good when it’s hot outside. For this reason, it is appropriate to replace cooked vegetables or hot soups with other dishes.

Vegetables provide many nutrients; Their presence in a child’s diet is incredibly important since frequent consumption reduces the risk of suffering from certain diseases in adulthood.

Gazpacho or vichyssoise are two of the ideal dishes to ensure good baby nutrition in the summer. You can also try introducing new ingredients into pasta or vegetable salads, such as cucumber or paprika.

3. Homemade ice cream

Kids no doubt love ice cream, especially in the summer. However, most of them tend to contain large amounts of sugar or unhealthy fats.

Fortunately, you can make homemade ice cream quite easily and quickly. You do not even have to buy specific appliances to make it. Here are some tips:

  • You can make delicious sorbets by crushing your favorite fruits.
  • If you like creamy ice cream, you can make them with any milk you want, yogurt or even avocado!
  • It is also not necessary to add artificial color or aroma to it. If you want it to be very tasty, you can add cocoa, vanilla or crushed fruit.

Encourage the children to participate in the kitchen

We are aware that daily life during the year is full of daily routines and tasks for both parents and children. Therefore, summer and holidays are an ideal time to involve children in cooking.

Promoting collaboration arouses their curiosity and interest in cooking. In addition to this, it helps them develop their senses of taste and smell. Not only that, but it also increases the diversity and quality of the diet, as well as the number of new foods they are willing to try in the future.

You do not have to involve them in making difficult and complex recipes. It’s quite simple: Ask them to wash the vegetables or crush the chickpeas to prepare the hummus.

It’s about having fun and helping them develop abilities according to age. If you want, you can let your imagination run wild and make them make simple but interesting food combinations.

A family cooking together

5. Share your meals with your kids

Another good tip for ensuring good baby nutrition in the summer is to have a great family diet that serves as an example for the kids. In general, parents tend to eat more vegetables than children and adolescents.

For this reason , it is important that you become an example to them when it comes to healthy food.

Now it is also important to take into account some aspects.

  • Sit down and eat with your children. Spend enough time with them – make the meal a pleasant moment.
  • Put a wide variety of healthy foods (especially fruits and vegetables) at your disposal.
  • Do not force them to eat certain things as it may trigger aversion later. The best thing you can do is offer it to them. It is a good idea to talk about the benefits of some vegetables so that they feel encouraged to eat them.

6. Light dishes ensure good baby nutrition

In the summer, children spend a lot of their time playing and outdoor activities, which can reduce their appetite. In fact, high temperatures have been linked to a reduction in appetite, metabolic rate and enzyme activity associated with digestion.

Therefore, it is better to choose recipes that are light, with few sauces, low fat and with mild, easily digestible cooking. The addition of nuts, fish, legumes or whole grains makes light dishes very nutritious alternatives.

7. Make sure they drink enough fluids

Temperatures can be extremely high in summer. Therefore, fluid intake should not be overlooked. Children have a higher proportion of body fluid compared to adults, and the fluids need to be replenished more regularly.

Health experts always talk about the importance of drinking throughout the day. Children love to do activities outside of this time of year and tend to forget to go in a bit to rest and drink fluids. It is important that all parents pay attention to the hydration of the children. We must note that not all drinks are the same when it comes to moisturizing the body.

  • Water or milk must be a priority
  • Sugary drinks such as soft drinks or fruit juices often contain a lot of sugar and little nutrients. In addition, the intake is associated with major cases of obesity and dental caries.
  • Forget energy drinks, their ingredients are not suitable for minors.
A glass that is filled with water

The keys to good baby nutrition in the summer

To ensure good baby nutrition in the summer, it is important to encourage them to eat fruits, vegetables and a variety of fresh foods. Remember to keep your meals planned and offer fresh and easy recipes. Your children will thank you!

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