7 Negative Effects Of Refined Flour

Since fiber and its essential nutrients have already been eliminated during the process of refining, eating refined meals can trigger inflammation, constipation and indigestion.
7 negative effects of refined flour

Eating foods that contain refined flour is a common practice around the world. Despite warnings about the negative effects, many people continue to have it in their daily diet. Although refined flour has been a part of our consumption for hundreds of years, it is now known that the refining process greatly reduces the quality of nutrition.

What is most disturbing is that eating refined flour is practically inevitable. In addition to being able to buy flour separately, it is also the most important ingredient in countless products sold in stores and restaurants today. Because of this, we want you to know what it can do to your body. Discover with us why it is important to limit your consumption as much as possible!

Refined flour causes an alkaline / acid imbalance

red blood cells

Regular consumption of refined flour can have negative effects on the pH value of your body. This is because it changes the alkaline / acid balance that controls various bodily functions. A healthy person has a pH value of about 7.4. However, if you consume this food regularly, the acidity level can increase at an alarming rate, which means that the pH value drops.

  • As a result, your body has trouble maintaining normal levels of calcium, which goes beyond bone health.
  • In addition, it also has a negative impact on the immune system and metabolism.

2. It increases your blood sugar level

Contrary to many people’s beliefs, sugar is not the only thing that raises blood sugar.

The large amounts of carbohydrates found in refined flour can greatly affect the development of health problems. Amylopectin is one of these carbohydrates. It is easily converted to glucose and increases the chance of getting diabetes.

3. It causes weight gain

weight gain

Eating foods made with refined flour is one of the main problems for those of us who want to lose weight. A small portion occasionally is not associated with a high risk. But eating it daily changes your metabolism. It makes you gain weight.

This is due to a high concentration of carbohydrates. In addition to increasing your glucose levels, it also causes an increase in body fat. Another side effect is that it triggers your appetite, which  causes you to eat more food in larger quantities.

4. It can affect your digestive health

Unlike whole grain flour, refined flour lacks fiber and essential nutrients that optimize digestion. 80% of the dietary fiber is lost during the refining process. So when you eat this food, it affects the body’s digestive process and interferes with the breakdown of food.

As a result, the microbial flora in the intestines changes, which increases the incidence of constipation and indigestion.

5. It causes inflammation


Refined flour should be avoided if you have been diagnosed with inflammatory diseases. This is because the refined compounds increase the levels of inflammation in the body’s tissues. In addition, it causes blood sugar imbalances that affect the conversion of proteins into energy.

The consumption of refined flour triggers a chemical reaction known as glycation. This is an inflammatory process that has been linked to chronic diseases such as arthritis and cardiovascular problems.

6. It increases the risk of allergies and food intolerances

Thanks to the high content of gluten in wheat, it is one of the biggest triggers for allergies and food intolerances. In the same way, the body has a harder time digesting proteins. It can also cause an inflammatory response that affects many different aspects of your health.

7. It causes depression


Carbohydrates found in refined flour have been shown to have  negative effects on your mental health. In addition to being harder to digest, this ingredient alters brain chemistry and causes the feeling of chronic fatigue and lack of sleep. While some people believe that it gives them energy, it actually affects both their physical and mental condition negatively and reduces productivity.

How often do you eat foods made with white or refined flour? If you eat these foods regularly, you should consider limiting your intake. Healthier alternatives should replace products made with white flour.

Flour is probably one of the main ingredients in your recipes. However, there are many other interesting options you can enjoy without endangering your health.

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