7 Habits That Can Prevent Osteoporosis

Take regular check-ups with your doctor, especially if you have a family history of this disease.
7 habits that can prevent osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a chronic disease of the bone system that increases the risk of fractures, severe pain and other symptoms that affect our quality of life. Because of this, it is necessary to take early steps to prevent osteoporosis.

The main cause is calcium and vitamin D deficiency, but it can also be related to hormonal changes, trauma and genetic factors.

It appears when the internal microarchitecture of the bones begins to dissolve. This results in a reduction in density, which results in a lower ability to support and strengthen.

The bones in the hips, back and hands are often affected, but it can occur in any area with bone structure.

While it is more common in the elderly, many develop it prematurely due to poor habits and exposure to toxins.

The most worrying thing is that it does not start with overwhelming problems in its early stages. Because of this, many people do not realize that it is a problem until there are already many complications in the picture.

For this reason, it is important to have a healthy lifestyle, and whenever possible, adopt habits that will reduce the risk.

Find out what they are!

1. Increase your calcium intake to prevent osteoporosis

Calcium can prevent osteoporosis

Calcium is one of the essential minerals that helps maintain the density of our skeleton so that it is not weakened and destroyed.

Proper absorption of it strengthens the bone system and eliminates the development of complications associated with inflammatory imbalances.

Although you can take supplements, it is best to get it from natural sources such as:

  • Milk and dairy products
  • Vegetables, such as broccoli
  • Soya
  • Nuts
  • Onion
  • Cold water fish and seafood
  • Citrus fruits
  • Raspberry

2. Make sure you absorb vitamin D.

Proper absorption of vitamin D is a key factor in preventing fractures and descaling of the bones.

These nutrients help keep enough calcium in your bones, help with the absorption of minerals in the intestines, and in addition they keep you from losing too much of it through urination.

It is usually absorbed when you sunbathe, between 15 and 20 minutes, but it can also be achieved by consuming healthy foods.

Among the significant sources you can find:

  • Egg
  • Salmon
  • Figs
  • Grain
  • Mushroom
  • Dairy products

3. Avoid tobacco to prevent osteoporosis

Avoid tobacco

Both active and passive smokers are highly likely to suffer from osteoporosis later in life.

Tobacco is made with chemical substances that, in addition to reducing bone density, affect the absorption of calcium in the intestine.

To avoid this chronic disease and prevent osteoporosis, it is therefore important to eliminate all forms of tobacco.

4. Exercise regularly

Regular exercise from a young age is one of the most important habits needed to prevent osteoporosis later in life.

This habit reduces the negative effects of sedimentation, prevents obesity and helps keep your bones strong so you can avoid injury and fractures.

30 minutes, at least three times a week, is enough to enjoy the benefits.

5. Monitor your posture

take care of your body position

Thousands of people ignore the importance of posture when considering how to prevent osteoporosis and inflammatory diseases.

While it does not initially cause significant effects, poor posture can lead to bone damage.

Notice how you walk, how you sit and what position your body is in when you sleep.

6. Avoid consuming alcoholic beverages

The toxins found in alcoholic beverages increase the deterioration of the bones, and are therefore a risk factor and important to add if you want to prevent osteoporosis.

There are studies that confirm that consuming these drinks, combined with other bad habits, can have a major impact on your bone health.

7. Maintain a healthy weight to prevent osteoporosis

keep a healthy weight

Obesity is a risk factor for osteoporosis and inflammatory bone diseases such as osteoarthritis. So, extra weight will certainly not help prevent osteoporosis.

Obesity, just like being overweight, puts a lot of strain on our legs. This increases the chances of suffering from these problems.

  • It is important to look at body weight and take the necessary steps to keep it at a healthy and stable level.

In addition to the tips mentioned, remember that you should avoid exposing yourself to falls and overexposures that can cause damage to your legs.

Take regular check-ups with your doctor, especially if you have a family history of this disease.

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