7 Fantastic Health Benefits With Tomatillos

Green tomatillo is a traditional ingredient in Mexican cuisine, which despite its size, provides us with a large amount of beneficial nutrients for our health.
7 Fantastic Health Benefits of Tomatoes

Tomatoes are part of the sweet willow family, which also consists of eggplant, potato, tomato and chili.

The plant is native to Mexico, where it is known as the green tomato.

It grows on a shrub that grows about one meter in height. It produces flowers and fruits that only last until the minus degrees come.

It is a round fruit that measures between 2.5 and 5 cm in diameter. The fruit grows inside thin leaves that look like paper.

When ripe, they have a smooth, sticky appearance, with a yellow-green color.

The properties of tomatillos

Among the most important features are:

  • They are rich in antioxidants
  • They contain large amounts of  vitamin C.
  • High amount of phosphorus
  • Contains calcium, salt, minerals and iron
  • Anticancer properties
  • Source of dietary fiber, in addition to containing vitamins (niacin) and minerals (potassium and magnesium)

Below will continue to explain the benefits in more depth.

Improves digestion

7 Fantastic Health Benefits of Tomatoes

Like most vegetables, tomatoes contain a high level of dietary fiber.

This supports the functions of the digestive system, and allows the body to assimilate fat much better.

So it improves the intestinal tract and eliminates constipation, flatulence and abdominal pain.

All this, not to mention that fiber regulates the release of carbohydrates into the bloodstream. This helps to lower blood sugar levels.

This is especially useful for those who suffer from diabetes and who need to control their glucose levels.

Prevents cancer

Tomatoes contain phytochemical antioxidants such as ixocarpalactone A, which have been studied for their antibacterial and anticancer properties.

Antioxidants, for their part, fight the effects of free radicals.

Among all these, they also contain vitamins A, C and flavonoids that help fight lung cancer or oral cancer.

Strengthens your immune system

7 Fantastic Health Benefits of Tomatoes

As we have already mentioned, tomatoes contain plenty of vitamin C, which helps stimulate the immune system.

It accelerates the production of red blood cells, which are the body’s most important defenses to protect against unknown agents and pathogens.

It also increases collagen secretion, which is responsible for keeping the skin, cells and tissues covering the organs and blood vessels healthy. Because of this, it also improves metabolic functions.

Improves vision

The content of vitamins and the amount of beta-keratin, which is also a derivative of vitamin A, acts as an antioxidant.

You avoid muscle degeneration, it fights cataracts and reduces the symptoms of several eye diseases.

Initiates weight loss

7 Fantastic Health Benefits of Tomatoes

Do you want to lose weight? Then you should have tomatoes in the kitchen.

In addition to providing you with nutrients and fiber, it also contains low calorie fat. It also works to eliminate dangerous fats, and gives a filling feeling.

In addition, it makes the muscles develop, become stronger, and reduce fat.

Increases energy

Thanks to the niacin content, tomatillos help to break down foods and complex molecules into energy reserves.

In addition, by eating tomatillos during the enzyme process, niacin has a stronger impulse than normal. Therefore, tomatillos give the body more energy.

Heart disease

7 Fantastic Health Benefits of Tomatoes

Potassium is one of the components of tomatoes. First, it has similar properties to sodium in the cardiovascular system.

In addition, potassium is vasodilating, so it is responsible for:

  • Make your blood vessels relax
  • Promote circulation
  • Reduce voltage
  • Improve the oxygenation in the body

If we add the potent fiber content to these functions, dangerous cholesterol levels will be reduced. By doing this, we will avoid diseases such as arteriosclerosis, heart attack and stroke.

Do not throw away the shell!

The tomato peel has been used for medicinal purposes as a tea for a long time, and among the benefits are:

  • It eliminates dandruff
  • Fights baldness
  • Reduce earache
  • Relieves abdominal pain
  • Is effective against respiratory problems
  • Lowers blood pressure

So are you ready to taste tomatoes?

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