6 Drops Of This Powerful Oil Will Eliminate Belly Fat

6 drops of this powerful oil will eliminate belly fat

Belly fat is one of the most common health problems, and it involves surgery in both men and women, who struggle every day in trying to get rid of it. Read about this powerful oil that will eliminate belly fat.

But unfortunately, if you do not take care of your supplements and everyday habits, the area around your stomach is one of those that is most affected. Because it tends to accumulate fat very easily. Which creates the annoying love handles that ruin your otherwise beautiful figure.

Losing weight is never an easy task, and it requires constant effort, especially if you are trying to eliminate  belly fat. Fortunately, there are many ways you can eliminate belly fat, without having to resort to extreme measures such as liposuction.

An alternative that will help keep you naturally slim and protect your body from a variety of diseases at the same time, is a powerful oil that you can make at home with the simplest natural ingredients. Do we still have your attention?

Cinnamon oil to lose weight and eliminate belly fat

This oil has been used for many years as an alternative treatment to cure and prevent various diseases, and to improve your overall health. At first it was indicated for medical purposes, but later they found that it also helps to  burn fat , especially around the abdominal area.

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Its popularity throughout many parts of the world is due to its powerful concentration. Which works for weight loss, elimination of toxins, and for the removal of bacteria and chemicals that can have a negative impact on your health.

Other benefits that are worth mentioning are its ability to strengthen the brain and memory functions. At the same time it also strengthens the immune system. In addition to all this, cinnamon oil is ideal for people who have diabetes or high blood sugar levels. Because it can help reduce and balance blood sugar.

Because of all the benefits and that it is easy to prepare. Is it worth trying cinnamon oil as a supplement to your diet and exercise routine to burn more belly fat.

How do you prepare this fat burning oil?

3-cinnamon oil

Because it is so affordable, there is no excuse for not using this ingredient often.


  • 2.5 dl olive oil
  • 6 cinnamon sticks
  • A glass jar, with lid


  • Step 1. Fill the small glass jar with the cinnamon sticks
  • Step 2. Pour olive oil over the sticks, until completely covered
  • Step 3. Place the glass jar on a warm area in your house. Let it stand there for three weeks. Stir occasionally.
  • Step 4. When the three recommended weeks have passed. Strain the oil into another container using a gauze bandage or similar material. Store it in a cool and dry place.


To get all the benefits from this oil, all you need to do is get in two drops at every meal you eat during the day. This small amount is sufficient to stimulate weight loss.

It is important to note that you should never exceed this amount in a day, as it can have negative side effects. And before you start taking cinnamon oil, it is important that you read the following contraindications.

Contraindications to cinnamon oil

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Although this remedy has many benefits for your health and promotes weight loss, do not ignore any serious side effects that may occur in some cases.

  • People suffering from colitis or gastritis should eat this oil in moderation, because although cinnamon oil can be very useful, it can also be irritating to the digestive system.
  • If you have stomach ulcers, you should avoid consuming alcoholic beverages, as they can lead to further irritations in the stomach and intestines.
  • Women who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant should also refrain from drinking alcohol with this oil, as it may stimulate blood circulation in the pelvic and uterine area, which could potentially threaten a pregnancy.
  • People who have any kind of heart disease should only take this oil under the supervision of a doctor, and should stick to small doses, because cinnamon can easily increase the heart rate.
  • Prolonged use of cinnamon oil and cinnamon in general can be very detrimental to your health. Reaching the level of toxicity may cause vomiting and irritation of the kidneys.

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