5 Ways To Recognize A Heart Attack

Given the high frequency of heart attacks, it is important to be aware and informed.
5 ways to recognize a heart attack

Everyone should know how to recognize a heart attack. With just a few clues, you will be able to prevent a serious and complicated situation from arising for someone. You need to act fast.

The cause of heart attacks is easy to explain: E n blood clot blocks blood flow in the arteries, preventing blood from getting into the heart and is pumped to the rest of the body.

Unfortunately, heart attacks affect a significant number of people. In the UK, it is the leading cause of death.

Ways to recognize a heart attack

The heart sends short signals to the body just before the heart attack. Therefore, you will know how to recognize a heart attack and will be able to ask for medical help. Knowing how to act in the situation is important in this brief moment.

These are the main symptoms:

a person suffering a heart attack

1. Chest pain

You will feel chest pain just behind the sternum when you have a heart attack. Afterwards, the pain will spread to one of the arms, usually to the left and then to the neck. This usually takes place within 40 minutes.

2. Ways to recognize a heart attack: Increased palpitations

What is even more worrying is increased heart rate or the feeling that your heart is beating or beating out of your chest. Accompanied by this, difficulty breathing occurs.

3. Ways to recognize a heart attack: Nausea

Nausea is also a common symptom . Remember that when someone feels nauseous, it does not mean that a heart attack takes place. It usually occurs after the mentioned stages and the patient may end up vomiting.

4. Ways to recognize a heart attack: Changes in body temperature

The body undergoes extreme changes in temperature. This varies depending on the person. Some break out in cold sweats, while others feel sudden and extreme heat or hot flashes.

5. Ways to recognize a heart attack: Anxiety

Anxiety is also common. This usually happens in risky situations, but it is best to seek help quickly, because worry can make the situation even worse.

A life without bad habits

Your body will end up paying the price for your lack of discipline in certain areas of your life. We recommend avoiding as many of the following habits as possible:

1. Smoking

tobacco and smoking

Smoking increases the risk of heart attack. This is one of the leading causes of death from cardiovascular disease.

When someone is a heavy smoker, their airway function is significantly reduced. In the case of a heart attack, it can lead to serious or even fatal consequences.

2. Excessive stress

Stress is a common problem. There is very little time to relax due to today’s fast pace in everyday life. Be calm, focus on solving the problem, and do not wear yourself out.

Separating work from your personal life is the first step in dealing with stress. Breathing techniques, mindfulness and other tools can help a person focus on the moment and not worry about tomorrow.

3. Fat

greasy food on a plate

Stick to a healthy diet. Eating lots of junk food and fried foods gradually increases the risk of having negative effects on your body. Remember that a large portion of all cardiovascular problems are caused by poor diet.

Avoid high levels of bad cholesterol. We are not saying that you should eliminate certain foods, but to have control over what you eat. You can eat junk food occasionally.

4. Alcohol

Alcoholic beverages are harmful when consumed frequently. In fact, they are an important factor when it comes to obesity, and they increase the chance of heart problems.

If you are going to drink alcohol, do it moderately. Do not give your body a reason to get sick.

5. Lack of physical activity

a woman sitting on the grass after exercise

Constant stress, lack of rest and other types of extremely bad habits are not helpful. In people who have a sedentary lifestyle, the blood does not circulate as often. Therefore, they develop health problems due to inactivity.

To conclude

It is not necessary to take drastic measures to avoid a heart attack. The key is to have the healthiest lifestyle possible. Avoid bad habits, and most importantly, learn to control your emotions.

All of the above will significantly help prevent you from having a heart attack.

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