5 Vegetables For A Long Life

Brussels sprouts are rich in vitamin C. This promotes the formation of collagen and protects against free radicals, which slows down the aging process.
5 vegetables for a long life

If one of your New Year’s resolutions was to eat better, then there is no doubt that you have heard of “superfoods” on more than one occasion. This group refers to fruits and vegetables that are rich in phytochemicals, minerals, vitamins and essential proteins and amino acids that not only help fight certain diseases, but are also ideal for cleansing the body and providing a long life.

To benefit from the superfood in a healthy way, you will not just eat these foods. You can not eat oats and grapes all day, for example. The trick is to have a balanced diet with lots of thissuperfood”.  At the same time that you have a more active lifestyle with a lot of exercise and stress management.

In today’s article, we will discuss five vegetables for a long life. We are sure you will love them.

1. Brussels sprouts for a long life

They are delicious, they complement any dish, and they are a natural source of an incredible number of beneficial compounds. Brussels sprouts are without a doubt the best vegetable for cleansing the body and for living long. Want to know why?

  • Brussels sprouts are rich in vitamins A, C, E, and lutein, all of which fight the effects of free radicals and prevent oxidation of cells that cause both aging and tumor development.
  • They also contain a substance called sinigrin, which protects the liver. And improves its main functions, such as cleansing the body and eliminating toxins produced by the cellular aging process.
  • Brussels sprouts also have a high protein content, which is good for your skin and legs.

2. Carrots

3-carrot juice

Carrots are refreshing and delicious, and they can be eaten raw, fried, steamed. Or even in combination with other fruits and vegetables in smoothies. To make a drink that is full of minerals and proteins. Carrots also contain an interesting compound known as falcarinol.

According to the School of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Development  at the University of Newcastle (UK) and the University of Denmark, eating boiled carrots can give you the following benefits:

  • Thanks to falcarinol, an excellent antioxidant, carrots will restore skin cells.
  • The fiber in carrots facilitates the removal of heavy metals such as lead, cadmium and other toxic substances from the body.
  • The attractive orange color of carrots is due to their high content of alpha-carotene and beta-carotene, which helps to restore the cells in your skin and other organs.

3. Squash

Do you already like squash? Then do not hesitate to try all the varieties, no matter what season it is. Because all of them are great  for helping to cleanse your body and preserve your youthful appearance. And in addition, eating them can give you a long life.

  • Squash is rich in water and fiber, both of which help promote cleansing.
  • Thanks to their vitamins and minerals, they take care of your skin, joints, bones, and brain.
  • You will be happy to hear that squash is rich in coumarin, a type of benzopyrone that helps reduce inflammation and fight unhealthy bacteria in the gut.
  • Squash also contains vitamins A and C, along with antioxidants that fight free radicals and premature aging.

4. Watercress


Whether sautéed with a little garlic, boiled, raw in salads, served with cheese, watercress is delicious, and it is also one of the best vegetables to cleanse the body and promote longevity. These benefits and more are why you should always look for it in farmers’ markets!

  • Watercress contains large amounts of carotenoids, antioxidants that fight free radicals and promote healing of the skin.
  • It is good for digestion, and helps to improve liver and kidney function.
  • You may also be interested in knowing that watercress contains high levels of iodine, which can regulate your metabolism and stabilize your weight.
  • Watercress also has a number of antioxidants, including iron, calcium and magnesium, which together with vitamins A, C and E help fight wrinkles and damage from the sun.

5. Shiitake


You may not be used to eating mushrooms, but shiitake is worth adding to your shopping list. Thanks to its incredible ability to cleanse the body, strengthen the immune system.  And, above all, preserve your youthful appearance and fight the signs of aging.

Although this mushroom (and several similar ones) are more commonly found in Asian food, it’s always fun to experiment with new recipes – especially if they’s healthy! When you read the following, there is no doubt that you will be looking for shiitake in your regular grocery store:

  • They strengthen energy stores and strengthen the immune system.
  • Shiitake helps to provide care for the liver, because it is a natural source of beta-glucan, which eliminates harmful toxins.
  • They are rich in vitamin B3, which treats excess sugar stores in the body and prevents weight gain.
  • They contribute to more youthful skin, thanks to the high content of antioxidants and minerals such as zinc and selenium.

Enjoy wonderful vegetables to cleanse your body and to live a healthy and long life!

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