12 Little Known Benefits Of Lemons

Lemons are sour fruits found in most homes around the world. Are you aware of all the benefits of this yellow citrus fruit?
12 little known benefits of lemons

This citrus fruit has a unique taste that is very good in food and drink, at the same time as it is stuffed with nutritional benefits that make it very good for your health. There are also several benefits to lemons!

Lemons are mainly known for their high content of vitamin C, B-complex vitamins, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and fiber. They have been used in medicine since ancient times, and today there are several studies that support its benefits. Below we will talk about 12 benefits of lemons that you may not have known about!

One of the most important properties of lemons is their ability to alkalize the body and regulate the pH value. Today, many people have a diet that is high in acid, so it is recommended to consume lemons to counteract the acid. Are you aware of all the benefits of this yellow citrus fruit?

Lemons are diuretic


Due to its high content of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, lemons are a diuretic food that promotes the elimination of fluids and toxic substances in the body. Thanks to this benefit, they are highly recommended to cleanse the body and prevent many diseases.

Purify the blood

The antioxidants of lemons help to cleanse the blood vessels and the blood. This makes it easier for the body to filter out waste products and toxic substances from the blood and prevent heart and cancer diseases. They can also help treat diseases such as cholera and malaria.

Reduce fever

Drinking warm water with lemon is great for controlling fever caused by colds and flu. This remedy helps to increase the defense and reduce the body temperature, because it increases how much you sweat.

Fight against high blood pressure

blood pressure

Those who suffer from high blood pressure who drink water with lemon often, have been able to reduce this problem. This benefit is due to the potassium content, which helps fight fluid retention and reduce blood pressure.

Treat throat infections

Lemons are known for their antibiotic and antiviral properties that can help fight various types of infections. For infections of the throat, lemons are a good treatment that can be used in several different ways. The first is to make a tea with lemon juice and hot water and drink it. The second involves squeezing the juice from a lemon and gargling with it. This treatment should be performed several times a day to effectively fight the infection.

Respiratory problems

Due to their high content of vitamin C and their antibiotic and antiviral properties, lemons are also one of your best allies when it comes to respiratory health. This fruit can help cleanse the airways and strengthen the immune system so that it can treat diseases such as asthma, bronchitis and other respiratory problems.

Benefits of lemons: They are rich in antioxidants


Lemons contain vitamin C and other important antioxidants that fight free radicals and prevent serious diseases such as cancer. They are also a great way to prevent premature aging.

Stomach problems

Benefits of lemons are that they help regulate the body’s pH value which in turn helps to fight various types of stomach problems, such as:

  • Flatulence
  • Constipation
  • Digestive problems
  • Parasites
  • Nausea
  • Acidity

Weight loss


Those who have started healthy eating habits to lose weight should include more lemons in their diet. This fruit helps to reduce body fat, eliminate toxins from the body and it gives a feeling of satiety. We recommend drinking warm water with lemon on an empty stomach.

Dental health

Lemon juice can help reduce molar pain when applied directly to the affected area. It also works against bleeding gums and is great for whitening teeth and fighting bad breath.

Healthy skin

Daily intake of lemons contributes to healthier, younger and more radiant skin. Lemon juice can also be applied topically to treat skin infections, pimples, excess fat, scars and pigment spots. It should only be applied at night. This is because exposure to the sun can cause side effects.

Brilliant hair


Lemons are good for the hair and scalp.  Benefits of lemons are that they help cleanse the scalp and prevent dandruff. It acts as a natural brightener and improves the texture of the hair and keeps it shiny.

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