10 Tricks To Reduce Knee Pain With The Food You Eat

Do you suffer from knee pain? Take advantage of these 10 great tricks to reduce your pain with the food you eat!
10 tricks to reduce knee pain with the food you eat

The knee is a hinge joint that consists of bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments and fluids. Tendons and muscles allow the knee to move and be able to bend so that we can move. When one of these structures becomes inflamed, breaks or is otherwise damaged, knee problems and pain occur. Today we will tell you about tricks to reduce knee pain with the food you eat.

Some considerations about knee pain

Knee problems can occur at any age. These problems do not have to be directly related to age or to skeletal or muscle weakness. This discomfort can limit you when performing daily activities such as exercise, weightlifting and even walking.

The most important thing is to seek medical help as soon as the discomfort begins, so that the knee can be thoroughly examined and treated in time. This will prevent major complications that can lead to surgery. In addition to visiting your doctor, you can take advantage of the benefits of some foods that reduce knee pain naturally.

Eliminate junk food from your diet to reduce knee pain

junk food

Junk food is one of the biggest enemies of knee health. These products contain an excess of fat, cholesterol and salt, which causes more inflammation in the joints, including the knees. If you do not have time to cook or go home to eat, try taking some healthy options such as smoothies or salads with you.

It can be difficult for you during the first few days. But you will soon adapt as time goes on and as you begin to see the benefits. Another good option is to go to a food store where they prepare balanced food. It is possible to find restaurants with decent prices and good food in almost everywhere.

2. Eat more eggs

Eggs contain the nutrients needed to protect the joints and reduce knee pain. You can add them to your diet in several ways, so they are perfect to experiment with in the kitchen.

3. Include fish regularly in your diet

You will begin to notice the fish’s anti-inflammatory benefits by eating it three times a week. In fact , your knee pain will decrease significantly within a few weeks, especially when your joints are inflamed. There is a large selection of fish to eat, so you will not find it difficult to find some that are reasonably priced and delicious.

4. Use whey

We suggest consuming whey once a day to reduce knee pain. The benefits come from the nutrients it provides us, especially calcium. These nutrients not only reduce discomfort, but also help maintain healthy bones and reduce other discomfort.

5. Add turmeric to your diet

This is a spice that is rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. It is well known in the East and now in the West.

It is constantly recommended and it can be consumed:

  • In salads
  • Mixed with milk
  • As a vegetable dressing
  • I juice

6. Bananas

Among the many nutrients found in this fruit, we find potassium and magnesium. These minerals help to improve bone health, and eventually make knee pain go away. Try one banana a day to help relieve knee pain!

7. Tofu

Tofu is rich in calcium, so it helps improve the health of your bones and reduce knee pain and pain in other joints. You can consume tofu as often as you need. However, you should not consume raw tofu, as it causes digestive problems.

8. Prayers

Beans contain a large amount of protein that helps reduce knee pain. It is advisable to consume them several times a week as a source of protein to regenerate ligaments and joint muscles. However, if you are diabetic, you should monitor the amount of beans you eat, because eating more than one cup a day can increase your glucose levels.

9. Olive oil

This oil helps reduce knee pain. We recommend that you use it daily because it is rich in healthy fats that the body needs to function properly. To take advantage of all the benefits of olive oil, we suggest that you consume it raw or that you do not overheat it, as this can be harmful.

10. Avocado stone


Most of us use avocado flesh and remove the stone. Do not throw it away from now on. Use the stone to reduce joint pain instead!


  • 1 avocado stone
  • 1 tablespoon honey (25 g)


  • Grate the avocado stone or blend it until you get a powder.
  • Heat the honey and mix it with the powder to form a paste.
  • Make sure the mixture is hot, but that it does not burn you. Then rub it on your knees to relieve the pain.

Try these foods and in a few days you will notice how you begin to experience less discomfort.

It is also important that you take a medical examination as soon as possible . Even if the discomfort disappears, you should always go to a specialist to assess the reasons why you experienced it in the first place.

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